

 a(great/wide) range of
a variety of
a beam of (light)
a big deal
a bite to eat
a blast of (wind)
a break with (the tradition)
a bunch of
a bundle of
a cloud of
a cluster of
a column of water
a couple of
a crew of
a crowd of
a far cry from
a fit of *
a good/great deal(of)
a grain of truth
a great many
a gust of wind
a handful od
a heap of
a host of
a large amount of&large amounts of
a loaf of (bread)
a matter of
a multitude of
a myriad of*
a number of
a pile of
a series of
a set of
a slice of*
a standing ovation*
a stretch of*
a strip of *
a swarm of&swarms of
a wealth of
a while back
abandon oneself to
abhorrent to
abound in
about to
above all
absent from
abstain from*
abuse of
accede to=agree to
access to
according to
account for
accuse (sb) of (sth)
acquaint (sb) with
acquire a tase for (sth)*
act as
act for
act on/upon
active volcano
adapt (sth/sb) to (sth)

add (sth) to
add (sth) up
add in
add on*
adhere to
adjacent to
adjust A to B
admiration for/of
adorn (sb/sth) with (sth)*
adventage over
advertise for (sth)
advise (sb) on (sth)
affiliate to /with*
affix to*
afflicted by*
afford to
after all


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