abolish v.废除
同annul, abrogate, wipe out
In the United States, slavery was abolished during the Civil War.美国的奴隶制度在南北战争时被废除了。
adopt v.①接受;采用②收养
同1.embrace, accept 2.foster, take in
Our company has adopted the practice of allowing workers more flexible hours.
amateur n.业余者
同nonprofessional, dilettante, hobbyist
This tennis competition is for amateurs only; no professionals are allowed to participate.
arduous adj.费力的
同laborious, toilsome, onerous, strenuous, difficult
Because construction work can be very arduous, few people want that kind of job.
barren adj.不毛的
同unproductive, infertile, sterile, desolate
Many people moved away from the village because the farmland there had become barren.
carve v.刻
同cut, sculpture, slice
The sculptor carved a figure of a sitting boy out of stone.
coin v.铸造;编造
同create, invent, mold, fabricate
Physicists call that particle a“quark”,a nonsense word coined by a famous Irish author.
contrive v.构想;设计
同devise, construct, design, concoct, fabricate
The children contrived a pulley to lift things into their tree house.
pulley n.滑轮
coy adj.娇羞的
同bashful, reserved, shy
He was charmed by the young woman’s coy smile.