
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12


principal adj.主要的

同chief, foremost, prime, main, leading

The principal aim of this plan is to find a way to help students improve their study habits.


quibble n.遁辞

同evasion, equivocation, sophism

David has a quibble with my idea of buying new computers for the office.对我提出为办公室购买新电脑一事,戴维避而不答。

rampant adj.蔓延的;猖獗的;猛烈的

同widespread, rife, uncontrollable, excessive

You cannot allow children to rampant through the museum.


reluctant adj.不情愿的

同unwilling, loath, averse, hesitant

Bert was reluctant to tell his mother the washing machine was broken again.伯特不愿告诉母亲洗衣机又坏了。

retreat v.撤退

同withdraw, recede, draw back

The soldiers retreated back to their camp in the hills.


sanction n.①批准②制裁

同1.confirmation, permission 2.boycott, penalty

The city government gave its sanction to the library to build a new wing.市政府批准图书馆兴建新的分馆。

setback n.挫折;后退

同backslide, defeat

Our building plans suffered a setback when a strong typhoon destroyed our building site.


smear v.涂脏;中伤

同stain, besmirch, smudge

The children playing outside had smeared mud all over their clothes, faces and hands.


spur v.刺激

同incite, arouse, instigate, stir up

Her coach's encouragement helped spur Heather to run faster and win the race.


stringent adj.严厉的

同strict, exacting, severe, forceful, rigorous

The military is famous for its stringent regulations of dress and behavior.军队以其严格的着装要求和行为规范而著称。


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