

     11ecause, because of.because是从属连词后跟从句,because of是介词,后跟名词或名词短语。

  F:The game was canceled because of it was raining.

  T:The game was canceled because of the rain.

  F:We could not see because the poor lighting.

  T:We could not see because the lighting was poor.

  F:He can move the furniture easily because of he is strong.

  T:He can move the furniture easily because of his strength.

  12.beside, besides.beside 意为next to,besides意为in addition to.

  F:Beside Tommy, Helen and I attended the concert.

  T:Besides Tommy, Helen and I attended the concert.

  F:He was sitting besides the pretty girl.

  T:He was sitting beside the pretty girl.

  F:We visited California beside Oregon.

  T:We visited California besides Oregon.

  ——We visited California. Besides, we visited Oregon.

  13.between, among. between 用于两个人或两件事物,among用于三个以上的人或物。

  F:The law was debated between the senators, the representatives, and the judges.

  T:The law was debated among the senators, the representatives, and the judges.

  F:There is a dispute between the local union members.

  T:There is a dispute among the local union members.

  F:You must choose among the two plans.

  T:You must choose between the two plans.


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