
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06

NO 5 &NO6 : Listening---Speaking
(1)Listening (conversation and about discussion of problem and solution ; an academic lecture on a certain topic)
(2)Speaking (describe the problem and talk about possible solutions. Your own opinion on how to solve the problem) 20” to prepare
(3)How to summarize problem and solution (NO. 5)
Listening (conversation and about discussion of problem and solution ;
Taking notes while listening:
Identify the main points and speakers’ attitude
Make a note of keywords and ideas
Listen for examples and details that support the main ideas

The following questions will give us a clue
what is the topic of this conversation?
What problem does the woman have?
What does the man suggest the woman do?
What do you think of the man’s suggestions?
What do you think the woman should do ?

Question types :
Ø        Question1: Describe the man’s problem and suggestions the woman makes about what he should do. What do you think the man should do, and why?
Ø        Describe the woman’s problem and suggestions her advisor makes about how to solve it. What do you think the woman should do, and why?
Ø        Describe the man’s problem and suggestions the woman makes about what he should deal with it. What do you think the man should do, and why?
Ø        The students discuss two possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Describe the problem. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why?
Ø        与第二道题非常类似:choose a position---TST
1. Describe man’s problem
2. Describe suggestions
3. Tell your preference
4. Explain why


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