
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06

Do you agree or disagree with the following statements “having a lot money is very important”. Use reasons and examples to support your response.
Some people like going to concerts to hear music played live. Other prefers listening to recorded music. Which musical experience do you think is better, and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Live concerts: see your favorite singers, interaction atmosphere , hang out with those with similar taste
Recorded music: cheaper
T– Topic           concert
S– Supporting   spectacle
     idea            hundreds of thousands
                      feels real
                       hear music see music
T—Transition    First, because, Also, finally

     I would prefer going to concerts to hear music instead of listening to recorded music. First, because I like the spectacle of concerts. Perhaps, hundreds of thousands of people are listening to their favorite music. All that cheering, energy and enthusiasm. That’s why I have always been longing to go to Woodstock Rock Festival in America. Also, I think it feels so real . You can not only hear the music but you can also “see” the music. Watching them playing music live is the  real musical experience.


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