
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06

7. 推理题

Tiger Moths

One of the most beautiful of the more than 100,000 known species in the order Lepidoptera are the tiger moths, moths known for the striking appeal of their distinctive coloration. This type of moth is covered with highly conspicuous orange-and-black or yellow-and-black patterns of spots and stripes. Such boldly patterned color combinations are commonplace in the animal world, serving the function of forewarning potential predators of unpleasant tastes and smells. This is unquestionably the function served by the striking coloration of the garden tiger moth, which is quite visually attractive but is also poisonous to predators. Certain glands in the garden tiger moth produce strong toxins that circulate throughout the insect's bloodstream, while other glands secrete bubbles that produce a noxious warning smell. The tiger moth, indeed, is a clear example of a concept that many predators intuitively understand, that creatures with the brightest coloration are often the least suitable to eat.


1. It is implied in the passage about the order Lepidoptera that

  (A) all members of the order are moths

  (B) there may be more than 100,000 species in this order

  (C) all members of the order are brightly colored

  (D) there are most likely fewer than 100,000 species in this order


 2. It can be inferred from the passage that the tiger moth was so named because

  (A) its coloration resembles that of a tiger

  (B) it is ferocious predator, like the tiger

  (C) its habitat is the same as the tiger's

  (D) it is a member of the same scientific classification as the tiger


3. What would most likely happen to a predator that wanted to eat a tiger moth?

  (A) The predator would be unable to catch it

  (B) The predator would capture it by poisoning it.

  (C) The predator would be unable to find it.

  (D) The predator would back away from it.


4. Which of the following would a predator be most likely to attack successfully?

  (A) A purple and orange moth

  (B) A green and blue moth

  (C) A brown and grey moth

  (D) A red and yellow moth






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