
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-25


M: Look we are almost out of gas. We’d better stop at the next gas station.

W: We have enough to make it to the campus. If we stop now, we’ll be late for class.

Q: What does the woman imply?


(A)   Class has already started.

(B)    They should stop the car right now.

(C)   She doesn’t have enough money to buy gas.

(D)   This isn’t a good time to go to a gas station.


W: This is such a great time to buy winter clothes. So many stores are having sales now and the price reductions are pretty substantial.

M: Yeah, it’s just what I’ve been waiting for. There are so many things I need.

Q: What does the man imply?

(A)    He thinks clothing prices will decrease even further.

(B)    He’s going to go shopping soon.

(C)    He didn’t know tat stores were having sales now.

(D)   He wants to see what the woman bought.


:P 重点:






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