
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-25

  building site 建筑工地
  37. burn
  He died of the burns he received in the fire. 他死于火灾时所受到的灼伤。
  38. burst
  a burst of applause 一阵喝彩
  39. business
  He is in business of himself. 他自行经商。
  That’s no business of yours. 那事与你无关。
  I’m sick of the whole business. 我对这事情实在感到厌烦。
  40. butter
  butter will not melt in sb’s mouth 一本正经的样子
  peanut buttter 花生酱
  41. canvas
  He is canvassing for the Conservative candidates. 他正在替保守党候选人奔走拉票。
  42. care
  Take care (that) you don’t get run over when you cross the street. 当你穿越街道时,小心不要被车子撞到。
  I will leave this in your care. 我将此事交由你负责。
  He seems free from care. 他显得无忧无虑。
  43. cause
  You have no cause for comlaint. 你没有理由抱怨。
  44. chalk
  The girl like to collect chalks with various colors. 女孩喜欢收集各色粉笔。
  45. chance
  Let’s leave it to chance. 我们就让它听其自然。
  It’s the chance of a lifetime. 这是一生中难得再遇到的机会。
  46. change
  Take a change of clothes with you. 带一套换洗的衣服。
  I have no small change. 我没有零钱。
  Let’s hope there will be a change in weather. 但愿天气会变好。
  47. cloth
  a floor cloth 擦地板布
  a dish cloth 洗碗布
  48. coal
  A hot coal fell from the fire and burnt a hole in the carpet. 火炉中调出来一块煤,把地毯烧了一个洞。
  carry coals to Newcastle 多此一举
  49. color
  She has very little color. 她面色苍白。
  50. comfort
  It’s a comfort to know that she is safe. 知道她平安无事令人安慰。
  comfort station – (US) public lavatory (美) 公共厕所
  51. committee
  He sat on the committee when he was 45. 他45岁时成为委员会委员。
  52. company
  I shall be glad of your company on the journey. 我将很高兴与你同行。
  53. comparison
  This one costs more but is cheaper by/in comparison. 这件东西价钱贵了点,但是比较起来还是便宜。
  54. competition
  At the Olympic Games our representatives were in competition with the best swimmers from all parts of the world. 在奥运会上,我们的代表会与世界各地的最佳游泳选手角逐。
  55. condition
  The condition of my health prevents me from working. 我的健康情况不容许我工作。
  56. connection
  What is the connection between the two ideas? 这两个想法之间有何关联?
  He set up in business and soon had a good connection. 他开业经商,很快就有了相当多的顾客。
  57. control
  The children are out of control. 孩子们不听管教。
  58. cook
  He is a good cook. 他是一个好厨师。
  59. copper
  1) 铜 2) 铜币 3) (俚语)警察
  60. copy
  If you can’t afford a new copy of the book, perhaps you can find a secondhand copy. 如果你买不起新书,你或许可以找到一本旧的。
  61. cork
  to draw/pull out the cork 拔开软木塞
  cork-screw 瓶塞钻
  62. copy
  63. cough
  He gave me a warning cough. 他以咳嗽警告我。
  64. country
  He decided to return to his country after graduation. 毕业后他决定回国。
  He spent the holiday in the country. 他在乡下度假。
  65. cover
  The child read the book from cover to cover. 那孩子将书从头读到尾。
  Does your policy provide adequate cover against fire? 你的保险单是否提供适当的火险?
  cover girl 封面女郎
  66. crack
  Don’t go skating today – there are dangerous cracks in the ice. 今天不要去滑冰,冰上有危险的裂缝。
  67. credit
  No credit is given at this shop. 这家商店概不赊帐。
  How much have I standing to my credit? 我的存款尚有多少?
  The bank refused further credits to the company. 银行拒绝再贷款给该公司。
  68. crime
  It is the business of the police to prevent and detect crime and of the law courts to punish crime. 防止和侦破犯罪是警察的职责,而惩罚犯罪是法庭的责任。
  It would be a crime to send the boy out on such a cold, wet night. 在这样寒冷的雨夜把孩子们遣出是不对的。
  69. crush
  There was a violent crush at the gate into the stadium. 在体育场的入口处人群拥挤不堪。
  70. cry
  Let her have her cry out. 让她哭个痛快吧。


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