
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-11-30


The most influential problems to the society can be solved by the contemporary generation.

human is not such a perfect animal so it must possess certain flaws, some of which are resistant to be corrected

the generation in this time has changed to be much lazier due to the highly-developed modern technology

the problem including desertification and global warming is a world issue


Many changes that cause lots of problems such as famine and flu have taken place. Fortunately, many of the problems are solved by the advanced technology. However, all the races are suffering same problems, the lack of resources and the severe pollution. To my view, there are the gravest problems that will not be absolutely solved through contemporary generation. 

To start with, human is not such a perfect animal so it must possess certain flaws, some of which are resistant to be corrected. To state it more clearly, as long as the issue concerns about the flawed property of human beings, such as corruption and the limited life-span, it will be so profound that the problem have already existed for several centuries without any proper solution. How can the problem that affects dozens of years be eradicated by just one generation? 

Secondly, the generation in this time has changed to be much lazier due to the highly-developed modern technology. What should be emphasized is that more and more people only know how to enjoy the convenience rather than how to contribute their efforts. Unfortunately, with the continuous advancement of technology such as human intelligence, the convenient life makes people far lazier and less active. This acquired weakness with the pace of the development of the human civilization is now becoming ingrained. Therefore, such problem becomes a lost cause.

What’s more, the problem including desertification and global warming is a world issue, so it might remain yet to be solved though the current generation has been much stronger. Indeed, most of the countries are still in the developing process from time to time. To undergo the industrialization or to improve the construction of the industry, the society needs a large number of resources and labor forces, both of which can cause the aggravation of the current pollution made by excessive waste emission. In other words, where there is the urbanization or modernization, there is the inevitable side effect. In a word, in this stage, people can even worsen the problem instead of solving it.

Considering the reasons I listed, I believe that the contemporary teenagers still have to arm themselves with books and experience to cope with all the problems they face though they may not address them in a short period. Obviously, I sincerely hope that someday we can share the initial Earth full of vibrancy.


Advertising today is less honest than it was in the past, for that reason it is less useful for people to choose what they want to buy.

to sell their products better, producers exaggerate the products’ function.

the price is usually not completely accurate

companies hire super stars to show up on the advertisements to attract customers


It is not surprising that different people possess disparate opinions about even the most trivial things, to say nothing of the issue relevant to advertising. Admittedly, some advertisements allow people to know the products better by showing their advantages directly. However, this claim only tells us part of the truth. In my opinion, it is clear that people do not trust advertising for all sorts of reasons.

To begin with, to sell their products better, producers exaggerate the products’ function. For example, one washing powder company states that their merchandise can wash away ALL the dirtiness on the clothes by simply twisting them. However, people cannot really determine whether the product could work that well or not until they actually buy it and use it. Thus, customers would not believe in the seller’s strategy that much. For most of the time, the advertisement is not reliable because it overstates the product they are selling. 

Besides, the price is usually not completely accurate. Producers all want to sell their products better so that they sometimes give out wrong information to make the customers buy their goods. For instance, in most of the advertisements, the sellers would tell us that what they are selling is on sale. But when we actually go to the store to buy that product, it actually costs us more that it said on the commercials. This will also make people put less trust on advertisements.

What’s more, companies hire super stars to show up on the advertisements to attract customers. It is clear that the influence power of those famous actors and actresses is extremely great because their fans admire them and trust them. The effect of the product, however, will easily be slighting due to the stars’ massive impact. Moreover, many cosmetic products look great in advertisement to some extent not because their higher quality but because those actors or actresses are good-looking and have better skins. Hence, people will not believe the stars as they used to because they are being tricked too much.

Generally speaking, people nowadays do not trust advertising due to its fraudulence.


In the modern world, we should never be impolite to another person.

being polite to the opponents is the same as being cruel to ourselves. 

we should not never be impolite to our members when we are leaders of teams

it is worry for us to be polite to people who do not respect us


Politeness is one of the most important characteristics of a nice person. However, being polite to everyone all the time is incorrect. In some special situations, politeness will only show our cowardice or bring us troubles. Here are some examples.

First of all, when we compete with others, being polite to the opponents is the same as being cruel to ourselves. Take the running race for instance, if we want to show our modesty to other players and not do our best to fight for the champion, we must be regretted to fail in the competition. Also, our friends, teachers and family members, who have great expectation on us, will be disappointed on us. Besides in sports, when we match with people in other areas, like study, career and interpersonal relationship, we always need to divide them from politeness. It is appropriate for us to do all we can for success.

Moreover, we should not never be impolite to our members when we are leaders of teams. To be a qualified leader, we should guide, organize and convince the members and make the final decision. Whereas, being too polite will lose your authority and make other members unwilling to follow you. For example, when your team is going to decide the gathering time, you need to ask for everyone’s free time, match and find the same time that everyone is free, and finally check whether all the members agree with the time to get together. Otherwise, the whole team will be disorganized and spend a lot of time coordinating it if you cannot lead the team correctly. Thus, as a leader, we should not be polite every time.

Besides, it is worry for us to be polite to people who do not respect us. Even though sometimes, the identity or status of people is different, everyone is equal in moral. For example, when we work as waiters in the restaurant, serving the consumers is our job. However, if the consumer is so picky that always looks for faults or even degrades our dignity, it is unnecessary for us to be still polite to them. It is not worth to suffer from the consumers’ unreasonable quarrel. 

In conclusion, we should not never show impoliteness to others. We should judge the situation and show the right attitude.


In times of an economic crisis, in which area should the government reduce its spending?

1. Education

2. Health Care

3. Support for the unemployed.


education demands higher expenditures than other two areas.

since it is the time of economic crisis, the temporary shortage of educational supporting reduced by the government will not cause serious consequences. 

as for schools, their financial burdens are lighter.


When our society confronts the fallout of the global financial and economic crisis, without doubt, the government should take effective measures to live through the economic crisis, for example, reducing the big spending. As far as I am concerned, if the government is going to cut the spending, they should no longer support for the education.

First of all, education demands higher expenditures than other two areas. To illustrate, the number of students who receive education far outweighs that of the unemployed and patients. Accordingly, more kindergartens, primary schools and universities ought to be set up to meet increasing needs. In addition, the techniques and methods of teaching are complex, thus, the teaching team needs to be strong and to have more diversified teaching tools and advanced facilities. All these spending grow unchecked, and are too much to an ailing government.

Secondly, since it is the time of economic crisis, the temporary shortage of educational supporting reduced by the government will not cause serious consequences. And the government can utilize the capital reduced from the investment in education to boost the local economy in considerable ways. Moreover, if people are incapable of meeting their basic life demands, perfect education is not fascinating. In addition, thanks to the computerization, access educational resources are available through various ways, like the broad network of computers and the Internet. Numerous high-tech devices are easy to operate and thus enable people to learn courses by themselves. Thus, it is reasonable for the government to reduce the investment in education during the economic crisis.

Lastly, as for schools, their financial burdens are lighter. Due to their potential profits, many schools’ programs and teaching projects are also attracting sponsorship from enterprises and other organizations. The prestigious “Hope Project” initiated by China is just one example. So far this project has attracted more than 150 companies to build new schools and libraries. I think in the time of an economic crisis, it is the inescapable responsibility of the companies to raise funds and offer financial assistance. For that reason, the government can cut the money on education to support other areas.

Therefore, in spite of the fact that education is an indispensable part of the entire society, it should be considered individually by the government regarding financial support during the economic crisis. It is easy to conclude that during that time the government should no longer support for the education.


Nowadays it is easier to maintain good health than in the past.

maintaining health has been made easier in many ways thanks to technologies 

a good health has become more attainable because it is no longer restricted to the wealthy people of society

governments have a greater involvement in promoting health care


Medical expenses in many countries can be quite expensive nowadays, and this may lead some people to believe that health care is becoming less obtainable than before. This is untrue, however. If we look at the bigger picture, it is actually easier for most people to get a good health in today's society compared to in the past.

To begin with, maintaining health has been made easier in many ways thanks to technologies. One big change is how delivery systems have made it possible for people to access fresh food. Whereas before people needed livestock to transport the food, now they can use cars and airplanes to convey the viands. Technologies have brought lots of smaller changes too. Refrigerators enable us to restore food for a long time. Ovens make it possible for us to eat cooked food. Disinfector can help us kill the micro-organisms.


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