
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

1. Because of the generous new salary scheme, we find that part time
staff do not need to be replaced----- as in the past.
(A) as often
(B) most often
(C) more often
(D) often

2. Our candidate realizes that his position on free trade is
complicated and he would ----- the opportunity to explain it to your
(A) assess
(B) welcome
(C) size
(D) lend

3. Even when he is short of money he keeps $20 in the bottom of his
shoe ----- there is an emergency.
(A) although
(B) in spite of
(C) since
(D) in case

4. We should promote the fact that our return and refund policy is
much better than ----- of any of our competitors.
(A) that
(B) this
(C) those
(D) these

5. The downward trend in technology stocks started three months ago
----- is expected to continue until the European economy improves.
(A) then
(B) however
(C) and
(D) thus

6. If you had told us that your guest was interested in Native
American Art, we certainly ----- for a trip to the museum.
(A) had arranged
(B) would have arranged
(C) will arrange
(D) arranged

7. Until we installed the new insulation, heating was the -----
largest overhead expense we had.
(A) solitary
(B) unique
(C) single
(D) exclusively

8. All employment ----- must include the names and telephone numbers
of at least two personal references.
(A) applicants
(B) applying
(C) applied
(D) applications

9. If the elevator cannot ----- a load of more than 13 people we
will have to install a second one.
(A) offer
(B) make
(C) bring
(D) support

10. Some African countries have a death penalty for poachers who
hunt animals that are in danger of -----.
(A) dissipation
(B) instinct
(C) abduction
(D) extinction


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