
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

21. You should follow security procedures especially when you're
sending confidential documents or files -----.
(A) electrical
(B) electricity
(C) electronic
(D) electronically

22. These figures look promising but I have some ----- concerning
how the sales projections were calculated.
(B) questions
(C) agreements
(D) assignments

23. ----- an employee has been employed for at least 20 years, he is
entitled to take an early retirement package.
(A) That
(B) Therefore
(C) Instead
(D) After

24. Special effects and superb choreography made last night's play
quite -----.
(A) excited
(B) exciting
(C) excitedly
(D) excitement

25. When they ----- their hotel, they will be given a handbook with
information about the convention and the sights and facilities of
the city.
(A) ride
(B) reach
(C) arrive
(D) go

26. They admitted liability for the property damage to the store but
refused ----- that they should pay compensation for lost sales.
(A) to agree
(B) agreeing
(C) agreement
(D) agreed

27. Because the boss has to leave town on an emergency, the -----
Friday morning meeting has been rescheduled for Monday.
(A) regular
(B) regularly
(C) regularize
(D) regularity

28. For the fourth year in a row, Mr. Henry ----- by the mayor for
his community service.
(A) honor
(B) was honored
(C) has honored
(D) to honor

29. The police department has narrowed ----- its list of suspects to
those people who own a late model blue mini-van.
(A) by
(B) from
(C) down
(D) into

30. The castle is the ----- setting for the horror story because it
is supposedly haunted by ghosts.
(A) perfectly
(B) perfect
(C) perfection
(D) perfected


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