
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

TOEIC verbal test
Vocabulary Answers: Noun Verb Vocabulary ListTest # TOEIC/W10

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n. citizenship; quality of being part of a particular nation; patriotism; national ownership (of property)


 toeic study guide
n. mode; fashion; style; behavior; way; type; kind


n. graph; diagram


n. sovereignty; royal status or power; kingdom; domain; realm; member of a royal family; percentage of profits paid to an artist for each copy of his work that is sold


n. car; vehicle; ride


v. to move; to circulate; to draft; to assemble for action (especially armed reserves)


n. pouch used to carry objects; sac; saccule; underground deposit of oil


n. attraction; closeness; liking; likeness


n. caption beneath an illustration


n. cereal; seed; granule; plants producing grain; particle; small portion of; texture; weave



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