
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10


1.Among the first plants to grow on the land regions of the Earth _____,which in prehistoric times grew to immense size

(A)were horsetail rushes

(B)horsetail rushes

(C)horsetail rushes were

(D)and horsetail rushes

2.Unlike fossil fuels,which can be used only once,wind and solar power _____of energy.

(A)for renewable sources

(B)the sources are renewable

(C)are renewable sources

(D)renewable sources

3._____ that the first cheese was probably made more than 4,000years ago by nomadic tribes in Asia.

(A)The belief

(B)Although they believe

(C)It is believed


4.Today _____ of the Earth live on a very small percentage of the Earth's land surface.

(A)about two-thirds populated

(B)the population is about two-thirds

(C)about two-thirds of the population

(D)of about two-thirds the population is

5.It was in the year 1792_____

(A)THAT THE New York Stock Exchange was founded

(B)founding the New York Stock Exchange

(C)which year the New York Stock Exchange was founded

(D)the New York Stock Exchange founded

6.Many small birds use new sites for each nesting,_____ large birds often reuse the same nest.





7.Plateaus are often referred to as tablelands _____ essentially flat-topped and stand conspicuously above an adjacent land area.

(A)because are

(B)because they are

(C)because of their

(D)which because they are

8.Although many contemporary craft objects are not _____,they generally have their roots in function.



(C)as function


9._____ hearing aid was a tube called the ear trumpet,a flared tube held up to the ear.


(B)When the first

(C)It was the first

(D)The first

10.Most leaves are coated with a waterproof _____,or cuticle.

(A)that the covering

(B)and is covering


(D)by covering


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