三、 缮制有关证书实例分析
1. Preshipment inspection for quantity,quality,description,classification and price should be carried out by Cotecna Inspection SA for issuance of a Clean Report Of Findings (CRF). The final invoice and packing list shall be endorsed by Cotecna Inspection SA with number and date of issuance of the CRF which must accompany shipping documents. 由Cotecna公司对货物数量、质量、货描、类别和价格实施装船前检验并签发清洁报告单一份,所提交的发票和装箱单应显示清洁报告单的签发日期和份数并由Cotecna公司背书,一并随装运单据向银行提交。
2. Engineer S.K.Biswas or any of his nominated technical person will do a quality inspection of the products,so the exporter should inform the importer 15 days piror to the completion of production. An inspection certificate isued by the above named person,or his nominee must accompany the original documents.为了使工程师S.K.Biswas或其指定技术人员进行产品质量检测,出口商应在产品完成前15天通知进口商,由上述人员或其指定人出具的检验证应随正本单据向银行提交。
3. Clean inspection certificate issued,stamped and signed by the authorised signatures of DC applicant(Whose signatures and any seal or chop required by the issuing bank's mandate must be in conformity with the record held in DC issuing bank's file and will only be verified by the office of the DC issuing bank at the time of presentation of documents) certifying that the goods have been inspected and accepted and showing the ‘total number of inspection'.