
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11


    Experts on dyslexia say that the problem is not a disease. They say that persons with dyslexia use information in a different way .One of the world 's great thinkers and scientists. Albert Einstein was dyslexic. Einstein said that he never thought in words the way that most people do .He said that he thought in pictures instead .The American inventor Thomas Edison was also dyslexic. Dyslexia first was recognized in Europe and the United States more than 80 years ago. Many years passed before doctors discovered that persons with the disorder were not mentally slow or disabled .The doctors found that the brains of persons with dyslexia are different. In most people, the left side of the brain3-----the part that controls language is larger than the right side. In persons with dyslexia, the right side of the brain is bigger. Doctors are not sure what causes this difference. However, research has shown that dyslexia is more common in males than in females, and it is found more often in persons who are left handed4. No one knows the cause of dyslexia, but some scientists believe that it may result from chemical changes in a baby's body long before it is born. They are trying to find ways to teach persons with dyslexia. Dyslexic persons think differently and need special kinds of teaching help. After they have solved their problems with language, they often show themselves to be especially intelligent or creative.

    1. One out of five American children suffers from dyslexia.

    A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

    2.Many great thinkers and scientists in the world are dyslexic.

    A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

    3.The first cases of dyslexia in Europe were discovered less than a century ago.

    A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

    4.The left side of the brain in a dyslexic person is bigger than the right side.

    A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

    5.Generally speaking, dyslexia is more common in left-handed males than in right-handed females.

    A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

    6.It is believed that dyslexia is related to the bad habits of a baby's mother.

    A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

    7.Dyslexic people often turn out to be intelligent or creative one they have learned to handle language properly.

    A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned



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