



  • 1 2018考研英语双语阅读:吃饭太快——肥胖、心脏病的元凶?
    Eating too quickly linked to obesity and increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke. 吃饭太快肥胖、心脏病、糖尿病和中风的元凶? Eating slowly could make you les likely to become obese or develop metabolic syndrome, according to preliminary research. 初步研究:细嚼慢咽 ...
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  • 2 2018考研英语双语阅读:噪音污染让人烦恼
      Noise pollution, Shhhh!! 噪音污染让人烦恼 安静车厢如何实现? Why quiet carriages dont work, and how they might be made to? 安静车厢推广屡屡受挫。原因何在,如何改之? QUIET carriages on trains are a nice idea: travellers voluntarily switch phones to silent, turn stereos off and ...
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  • 3 2018考研英语双语阅读:英国人的酒吧礼仪
      Englands Bar Customs 英国人的酒吧礼仪,你了解么? Amazingly for the British, who love queues, there is no formal line-up -the bar staff are skilled at knowing whose turn it is. You are permitted to try to attract attention, but there are rules about how to do this. Do not call out ta ...
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  • 4 2018考研英语双语阅读:腾讯已成为亚洲市值最高公司
      Tencent becomes Asias most valuable company 腾讯已成为亚洲市值最高公司 Chinese internet giant Tencent has become Asias most valuable company with its shares closing at record high on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Monday. 周一,中国互联网巨头腾讯在香港股票交易所收盘再创新高一 ...
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  • 5 2018考研英语双语阅读:记忆力越好越容易累
      Better Memory Begets Boredom 记忆力越好越容易累 Summers here and it wont be long before school-aged kids acros America start complaining that theyre tiredof riding their bikes, playing at the park, swimming in the pooland all the other awesome activiti ...
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  • 6 2018考研英语双语阅读:韩国的教育
      Education In South Korea 经济学人:韩国的教育 Young people are losing faith in an elitist education system. 韩国青年对精英教育失去信心。 If you dont have the ability then blame your parents, wrote Jung Yoo-ra on social media in 2014, after being accepted into a p ...
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  • 7 2018考研英语双语阅读:意大利60年来首度无缘世界杯
     Tears as Azzurri mis World Cup finals for first time in 60 years 意大利60年来首度无缘世界杯 Italy will be absent from the World Cup finals for the first time in 60 years after a long night of frustration ended in an ocean of tears in Milan. 意大利国家足球队60年来首次无缘世界杯决赛。在昨晚 ...
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  • 8 2018考研英语阅读:污水让鲸鱼发明了新的进食策略
      Polluted Water Whale Invents New Feeding Strategy 惊奇!污水让鲸鱼这种庞然大物发明了新的进食策略 Baleen whales feed by opening their gigantic maws, lunging forward in the water and engulfing gallons of seawater in their mouths. They strain the seawater back through their baleen plates, trap ...
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  • 9 2018考研英语双语阅读:科学研究水母需要睡觉
      Even Jellyfish Need a Nap 同学们一定要保证好睡眠,科学研究即使水母也需要睡觉 Jellyfish exhibit signs of a sleep state, which could mean that sleep predates the evolutionary development of central nervous systems. 水母有睡眠状态的迹象,这可能意味着睡眠先于中枢神经系统的进化发展。 Huma ...
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  • 10 2018考研英语双语阅读:花钱节约时间可带来幸福感
      To Buy Happines, Spend Money on Saving Time 有钱不一定幸福,但花钱节约时间,却可带来幸福感 We all know money cant buy happines. But according to a recent study, there may be a loophole. A team of researchers finds that shelling out for services that save time can bring greater fee ...
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  • 11 2018考研英语双语阅读:松鼠和人一样有记忆能力
      Squirrels Chunk Their Buried Treasure 松鼠和人一样有记忆能力,它可以找到埋藏的宝贝 We humans sometimes use a memory technique called chunking. For example, with phone numbers we usually remember the three-digit chunk and the four-digit chunk. Two items instead of seven. 我们人类有时会采 ...
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  • 12 2018考研英语双语阅读:团队合作?狗狗不如狼
      Dogs Bow to Wolves as Cooperators 团队合作?狗狗不如狼 If you need help herding some sheep or retrieving a stick, you can count on your canine companion. Because dogs always seem to be keen on lending a paw. But only if their partner is a person. When it comes to cooperating with one anothe ...
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  • 13 2018考研英语双语阅读:经常用这些词压力会变大?
     If you use these words a lot, scientists say you could be stresed out. 经常用这些词?你的压力可能有点大 There are some words which, when spoken frequently, might indicate that you are stresed, a new US study has found. 一项新研究发现,频繁使用某些词语可能意味着你的压力有点大。 Accordi ...
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  • 14 2018考研英语双语阅读:音乐和象棋提高认知能力?
    Music and Ches Do Not Enhance Cognitive Ability 音乐和象棋是否真的能提高认知能力? Most parents want their children to reach their academic potential, and theyre willing to go through great effort and expense to help them achieve that goal. In recent years, a number of researchers h ...
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  • 15 2018考研英语双语阅读:宠物不想养了怎么办?
    Swis zoos are accepting unwanted pet donations and FEEDING them to tigers and other carnivores 宠物不想养了怎么办?瑞典人直接送动物园喂老虎 Swis zoos are reportedly accepting unwanted pets which are killed and then fed to large carnivores such as tigers. 据报道,瑞士动物园接受 ...
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  • 16 2018考研英语双语阅读:青岛啤酒节与德国有关联?
      The Beer Festival in Qingdao has a tie in German? 青岛啤酒节与德国有关联? QINGDAO, China Music. Tourists. Traditional food. Long tables crammed inside huge tents. And beer lots and lots of beer. 中国青岛音乐、游客、传统食物、大帐篷里满满的长桌。还有啤酒mda ...
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  • 17 2018考研英语双语阅读:双十一三分钟破15亿美元
      Chinas Singles Day tops US$1.5bil in first three minutes 中国双十一成交额三分钟破15亿美元 Its a shopping spree of epic proportions and all it took was three minutes for the numbers on this screen to reach 10 billion yuan. 这是一场史无前例的购物狂欢,只 ...
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  • 18 2018考研英语双语阅读:日本健康长寿零食——黄豆
      Healthy snacks in Japan :The joy of soy 日本健康长寿零食黄豆的欢歌 If you want to learn how to live longer, look at the people of Okinawa, a string of islands in south-western Japan. Raised on a diet of fish and soy beans, their life expectancy is among the highest on Earth. ...
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  • 19 2018考研英语双语阅读:细菌能够对抗新型抗生素
     Bacteria Can Be Resistant to Brand-New Antibiotics 细菌变得强大了!居然能够对抗新型抗生素 Perhaps the chief poster child of antibiotic resistance is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA. The bacterium is impervious to a suite of antibiotics, and can cause blood infections, pne ...
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  • 20 2018考研英语双语阅读:法国羊角可颂面包知多少
      The French croisant 除了汉堡,法国羊角可颂面包,你了解多少? News of a butter shortage in France spurred newsroom chatter about one of the countrys signature treats: the croisant (kwah-SAHN if you want to be French about it). 法国黄油短缺的新闻,激起了本报新闻编辑室里关于该国一种 ...
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  • 21 2018考研英语双语阅读:“假新闻”获选柯林斯词典
    Fake news is named words of the year (honestly!): Dictionary to include term after its usage increased by 365% during 2017 假新闻获选柯林斯词典2017年度词汇 Its been derided by the American president and accused of influencing elections. 假新闻rdquo ...
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  • 22 2018考研英语双语阅读:为什么要在网络头像展露笑颜
    Why You Should Smile in Your Online Photo  为什么要在你网络头像里展露笑颜  There is a marked difference in how first impresions are made through photographs versus in person. Because of the lasting power of first impresions, it is necesary to strategize both.  与看到真人相比,(人们)通过观 ...
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  • 23 2018考研英语双语阅读:感恩节来了,人们都干些啥?
      Things you may not know about Thanksgiving Day  感恩节来了,除了火鸡,这些事儿你得清楚~  Thanksgiving Day in the United States is a holiday on the fourth Thursday of November. It precedes Black Friday.  美国的感恩节是一个发生于十一月的第四个星期四的假日。感恩节在黑色星期五(美 ...
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  • 24 2018考研英语双语阅读:即便生活琐碎,也要活得优雅
      lives are insignificant, but be elegant  即便生活琐碎,也要活得优雅  Who can say that their lives are not insignificant?  谁的生活不琐碎呢?  Everyones life is composed with one after another insignificant day.  我们的一生,都是由这一个个琐碎的一天构成的。  Some people got the ...
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  • 25 2018考研英语双语阅读:别让任何人限制你的无限潜能
      Jack Ma speech: Dont let others limit you  马云励志演讲:别让任何人限制你的无限潜能!  I did not have a rich father.  我没有一个有钱的父亲。  Tried 3 times for university. All failed.  尝试三次考大学都失败了。  I applied for Harvard for 10 times. All failed, they dont ev ...
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  • 26 2018考研英语双语阅读:人们为什么要自拍?
      Why do people take selfies?  人们为什么要自拍?  Researchers at Syracuse University in New York tried to answer that question. They came up with some surprising answers. People who post selfies and use editing software to make themselves look better show behavior connected to ...
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  • 27 2018考研英语双语阅读:每天三杯咖啡降低癌症风险
     Three cups of coffee a day may have health benefits  咖啡爱好者福音!每天三杯咖啡降低癌症风险  Moderate coffee drinking is safe, and three to four cups a day may have some health benefits, according to a large review of previous studies, in the BMJ.  英国医学期刊在一次总结以往 ...
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  • 28 2018考研英语双语阅读:在线订购火车票支持微信支付
     WeChat payment available for online train ticket booking  在线订购火车票支持微信支付  WeChat payment went on trial operation on www.12306.cn, Chinas online railway ticket booking website, starting from Thursday.  微信支付从本周四开始在中国网上购票网站-12306官网上试运行。  The new p ...
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  • 29 2018考研英语阅读:比尔·盖茨当选中国工程院院士
      Bill Gates receives Chinas top engineering honor  厉害!比尔盖茨当选中国工程院院士,致力核能研发!  US billionaire Bill Gates has been elected to the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chinas highest honor in the field of engineering.  美国亿万富翁比尔盖茨已被选入 ...
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  • 30 2018考研英语双语阅读:献给女孩们的毕业演讲
     Madeleine Albrights Advice For Women: Listen, Raise Your Voice, Interrupt, Work Hard  献给女孩们的毕业演讲:永远不要因为是女人而放弃  All over the world, girls are raised to make themselves likeable, to twist themselves into shapes that suit other people. Please do not t ...
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  • 31 2018考研英语双语阅读:维密大秀上演中国元素
      Victorias Secret Show with Chinese characteristics  维密大秀上演中国元素  Victorias Secrets flamboyant annual show hit the stage in Shanghai on Monday night, the lingerie giants first fashion event outside Europe and America.  维多利亚的秘密一年一度的华丽表演周 ...
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  • 32 2018考研英语双语阅读:月球村
      Moon village the first stop to Mars: ESA  移民火星的梦想终将实现:月球村  Setting up a permanent village on the moon is the first step toward exploring Mars, the European Space Agency said Thursday as plans to reach and colonize the Red Planet gathered pace.  周四,欧洲航天局表示,在月球 ...
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  • 33 2018考研英语双语阅读:坚持梦想,是唯一的选择
      If you can dream it, you can do it  坚持梦想,是唯一的选择  If you can dream it ,you can do it.  梦想总是要有的,万一实现了呢。  I dont know what that dream is that you have. I dont care how disappointing it might be as youre working toward that dream. But that drea ...
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  • 34 2018考研英语双语阅读:瑞士美丽小镇闹“人口荒”
    Well pay you to live here! Picturesque Swis mountain town facing exodus of residents considers offering $60,000 to every family willing to move in  好诱人!瑞士美丽小镇闹人口荒:给钱邀外人来住  The town of Albinen in the Swis Canton of Valais is one of the many small Swis ...
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  • 35 2018考研英语双语阅读:不可思议的印度
    India train travels 160km in wrong direction  不可思议的印度!火车开出160公里后才发现走错了  A group of Indian farmers say they woke up shocked to find that the train they were travelling on had sped 160km (99 miles) in the wrong direction.  一群印度农民称,乘着火车一觉醒来,非 ...
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  • 36 2018考研英语双语阅读:压力往往伴随着不健康
    As anyone who has ever had a difficult day will know, stres and unhealthines go hand in hand.  任何有过困难时光的人都知道,压力往往伴随着不健康。  Between wine, ice cream and cheesy pizza, often people think they need something to make them feel better when theyre strugg ...
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  • 37 2018考研英语双语阅读:中国铁路技术有多强?
      US workers receive subway technology training in China  中国铁路技术有多强?连美国人也要来取经!  A total of 33 employees from the Springfield, Masachusetts base of Chinese rail-car builder China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation (CRRC) Masachusetts have come to China for a three-month tr ...
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  • 38 2018考研英语双语阅读:87岁袁隆平飚英语刷屏!
      Chinas father of hybrid rice becomes Internet sensation after speech in English  87岁袁隆平飚英语刷屏!引无数网友致敬!  A video clip of Chinas father of hybrid rice, Yuan Longping, speaking English has become a sensation on Weibo, Chinas vers ...
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  • 39 2018考研英语双语阅读:鸟儿为什么给鱼儿喂食?
     Why is this bird feeding fish?  鸟儿为什么给鱼儿喂食?  This bird is a long way from its nest.  这只鸟离自己的巢穴还很远。  Filmed in 2010, the video shows a black-headed cardinal feeding seeds to very eager goldfish. According to the videos description, the bird would fly down as ...
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  • 40 2018考研英语双语阅读:冷静才是智慧
    The greatest wisdom is to keep calm  冷静才是智慧  Once there was a scientist. He wanted to study how monkeys learn.  曾经有一位科学家,他想研究猴子的学习能力。  He put two peanuts into a tall glas bottle.  他把两颗花生米放进了一个高高的玻璃瓶里。  The bottle was completely transparent, ...
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  • 41 2018考研英语双语阅读:蜜蜂也有左撇子或右撇子
      Even Without Hands Honeybees Show Handednes  没有双手,蜜蜂也有左撇子或右撇子  Honeybees. They have a difficult task. First, they have to find food. Then they have to return to the hive to tell their compatriots where to find it. The bees have to fly back and f ...
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  • 42 2018考研英语双语阅读:狼吞虎咽易发胖
    Gobbling down food increases risk of obesity, heart attack and stroke, study suggests  狼吞虎咽易发胖,且会增加患心脏病和中风几率,花时间享受食物吧!  In an era of TV dinners, fast food and on-the-go snacking, the pleasure of languidly savouring a meal has become a luxury largely consigned to s ...
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  • 43 2018考研英语双语阅读:更新推特的有可能是机器人
      Celebrities Tweet Like Bots  你不知道的新奇,更新推特的有可能是机器人  Twitter has more than 300 million monthly active users. But researchers have estimated that between about 30 million and 50 million of those are Twitter botsautomated accounts that do the bidding of their code-wr ...
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  • 44 2018考研英语双语阅读:如何快速安全地增重?
      How to gain weight fast and safely  增重秘籍来啦!教你如何快速安全地增重,摆脱竹竿身材  As a nation with an obesity problem, it may be difficult to fathom how people struggle to gain weight. But being underweight can be just as frustrating and is just as much a health problem as being overw ...
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  • 45 2018考研英语双语阅读:鲨鱼
      Sharks Rule the Reefs Underwater Food Chain  珊瑚礁表面食物链的独裁者:鲨鱼  Predators like wolves affect their ecosystems by eating their prey. But a more subtle impact involves fear. Predators also terrify prey species. And when, for example, elk are hiding, they dont spend ...
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