环境类(环保、节能) 雾霾 haze The market for dust masks and air purifiers is booming in Beijing because the capital has been shrouded for several days in thick fog and haze . 近几日北京持续被浓重雾霾笼罩,市场上防尘口罩和空气净化器的销量剧增。 工业化 industrialization I think nobo ...
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伦理道德类(尊老、爱幼、爱心) 伦理 ethics , moral principle It is important and realistic to respect basic value of ethics , basic principles and basic norms . 因此,尊重伦理的基本价值、基本原则和基本规范具有极大的重要性和现实性。 Insist on your moral principle , particulaly in face ...
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文化类 碰撞 crash Second , influenced by the reform and opening up , there is a cultural and art crash between the East and the West , which causes a change on the culture ideology of both the artists and the audience . 其次,在改革开放的引导之下,东西方文化艺术产生碰撞,因此无论是艺术 ...
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教育类 培养 cultivate Pursuing personal growth is a powerful thing . But it should be used to uncover and cultivate a more authentic self . 追求个体发展是一件很强大的事,但是我们应该用其来揭示和培养更真实的自我。 课余的 extracurricular Extracurricular activities is an indispensab ...
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人生哲理类 自立 self-dependence Tough is making the decision to replace self-pity , complaints and dependence with self-reliance , independence and action . 顽强就是做出决定用自强、自立和具体行动来取代自怜、怨天尤人和依赖。 勤奋 diligence If your talent combines with diligence , ...
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社会民风类(诚信、共赢、勤俭、节约) 互信 mutual trust Mutual trust and confidence are the foundation atone of all friendship . 相互间的信赖与对彼此的信心才是友谊的基石。 诚信 credibility We should speed up the establishment of a social credibility system . 我们应该加快建立社会信用 ...
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前沿科技类(电子书、时尚购物、低俗信息、色情诱惑) 网恋 cyber romance Cyber romance is a dangerous game . Thus , you&d better refuse to chat with strangers in the midnight since you have no idea whether it is your father , grandma or a bad guy you don&t know . 网恋是游戏,很危险,所以最 ...
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