养育人民,包括满足人民的生活需要和对人民进行教育。《尚书•大禹谟》将其作为“善政”(良好政治)的目 的;为了实现这一目的,治国者必须治理、协调好“六府三事”。“六府”是指金、木、水、火、土、谷,即人民生活所需的各种物质资料;“三事”是指“正德” (端正人民品德)、“利用”(使物质资料为百姓所用)、“厚生”(使人民生活充裕)。这是一种以民为本、物质文明和精神文明兼顾并举的治国理念。
Nurturing the People
This term means to provide the people with necessities of life and educate them. According to The Book of History, this is what constitutes good governance. To reach this goal, the ruler must manage well the “six necessities and three matters,” the six necessities being metal, wood, water, fire, land, and grain, and the three matters being fostering virtue, proper use of resources, and ensuring people’s livelihood. This concept of governance, which focuses on promoting both economic and ethical progress, is people-centered.
The king’s virtue is reflected in good governance, which means to nurture the people. The people’s need for water, fire, metal, wood, land, and grain must be well satisfied; and fostering virtue, proper use of resources, and ensuring people’s well-being should be pursued in a coordinated way. When these nine things are accomplished in an orderly way, the king will win people’s respect. (The Book of History)
Poverty stems from wealth, weakness from strength, turmoil from stability, and danger from security. Therefore, as he nurtures the people, a wise ruler cares about their sufferings, thanks them for their work, and teaches and instructs them so as to eradicate the seeds of evil no matter how tiny they might be. (Wang Fu: Views of a Hermit)