I. Phrase Translation
APEC: 亚太经合组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)
PPI: 生产者物价指数(Producer Price Index)
POS machines: 销售终端机
chartered plane: 包机
down-payment requirement: 订金,首付,分期付款中的第一次付款
makeshift hospital: 临时医院
bailout money: 救助基金
domestic abuse: 家庭虐待
home appliances: 家用电器
quantitative easing: 量化宽松
Big Bang: 宇宙大爆炸
House of Commons: (英国)下议院
deposit reserve requirement ratio: 存款准备金率
Cantonese Opera: 粤剧
product placement ads: 植入式广告
经济刺激方案: economic stimulus package
包容性增长: inclusive growth
落地签证: landing visa
黑帮: sinister gang
二房东: sublessor
紧凑型轿车: compact car
潜规则: hidden rules
留守儿童: left-behind children
良性循环: virtuous circle
无党派人士: non-party personage/Independent
下半旗致哀: fly/hang/hoist a flag at half-mast to express mourning for the dead
玩忽职守: neglect of duty
拆迁费: relocation compensation
贫富两极分化: polarization between the rich and the poor
厨房重地闲人免进: The kitchen, staff only.
II. Passage translationSection?A Chinese to English1, The Dead Sea, shared by Israel and Jordan, is the lowest spot on Earth. Its shoreline?is about 400 meters below sea level. As the world’s saltiest large body of water,?averaging a salt content 6 times higher than that of any ocean, the Dead Sea supports?no life. With no outlet, the water that flows into the Dead Sea evaporates in the?hot, arid air, leaving the minerals. The Jordan River is the chief source of the?incoming water, but since the 1960s much of its water has been diverted for?irrigation. Its length has already shrunk by more than a third, and, while the sea?will never entirely disappear due to evaporation slowing down as surface area?decreases and saltiness increases, the Dead Sea as we know it could become a thing of?the past. (本文选自The 10 Best of Everything: An Ultimate Guide for Travelers 翻译硕士真题网注)
参考译文:死海位于以色列与约旦交界,是世界上海拔勒氏的地方。它的湖岸线位于海平面之下400米。死海是世界上盐度最高的水体,平均盐度是其他海域的6倍以上,因此生物很难在这样的湖水中存活。死海没有出 口,因此流入的河水在炎热干燥的空气中不断蒸发,矿物质则沉淀下来。约旦河是死海湖水的主要来源,但是从20世纪60年代以来,其河水大量被截流用于灌溉,导致死海面积缩小7三分之一以上。虽然死海的面积在 缩小,盐度在増加,但与此同时,它的水分蒸发也放缓了,因此死海并不会完全消失。但是即便如此,我们所了解的死海依然很有可能成为历史。
2, Cambridge psychologists and computer scientists have developed a mobile phone?technology which can tell if a caller is happy, angry, bored or sad. The Emotion Sense?technology will enable psychologists to show links between moods, location and?people. It uses speech-recognition software and phone sensors attached to standard?smart phones to assess how people’s emotions are influenced by day-to-day factors.
The sensors analyze voice samples and then place them into 5 emotional categories:happiness, sadness, fear, anger and a neutral category (such as boredom or passivity). Scientists then cross-reference these emotions against surroundings, the time of?day and the caller’s relationship with the person they are speaking to. Results from?a pilot scheme revealed that callers are happier at home, sadder at work and display?more intense emotions in the evenings. (本文选自 ChinaDaily 晚报2010.9.30 翻译硕士真题网注)
Section?B English to Chinese1, 网球是展示生命激情与活力的”运动芭蕾”,广东网球中心的建筑本身是展示力与美的动感舞台,既优雅又富含现代元素。网球中心是集竞技、休闲于一体的立体体育文化公园。两个网球场错落有致,形成富有张力的线条轮廓,契合体育运动所带来的动态之美。
参考译文:Tennis is the ballet of sports, featuring dynamics and passion of life. Guangdong Tennis Center, the architecture itself is a dynamic stage showcasing power and beauty of the sport, both elegant and rich in modern elements. The center is more than a venue for playing sports, for it also serves as a recreational park for everyone. There are two courts in the center. Their streamlines are showing the beauty of tension, the vitality of power and the attraction of the sport.
2, 漓江是数千年来无数文人志士获得灵感的地方。两岸是连绵的山峰,平静的河水倒映出魔幻般的美景,宛如童话一般。山峰在薄雾笼罩下时隐时现,令人陶醉。泛舟漓江,每个转弯处都能找到新奇,或见懒洋洋的水牛拉着大车,或见渔民在狭窄的竹筏上悠然自得。(本文选自ChinaDaily晚报2010.10.2 翻译硕士真题网注)
The Li River has inspired writers and artists for thousands of years. The Li River snakes through a fairy-tale landscape of conical limestone peaks, its smooth waters exquisitely mirroring the magical scenery. The vistas are particularly enchanting when flowing mists weave themselves around the peaks, hiding them and then exposing them in moments of surprise. Each bend of the river reveals something new and interesting to see, from lumbering water buffalo pulling carts or cooling off in the river to fishermen gliding on narrow bamboo rafts.
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