Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (英译汉)(50 points)
HIGUERA DE LA SERENA, Spain — It didn’t take long for Manuel García Murillo, a bricklayer who took over as mayor here last June, to realize that his town was in trouble. It was 800,000 euros, a little more than $1 million, in the red. There was no cash on hand to pay for anything — and there was work that needed to be done.
But then an amazing thing happened, he said. Just as the health department was about to close down the day care center because it didn’t have a proper kitchen, Bernardo Benítez, a construction worker, offered to put up the walls and the tiles free. Then, Maria José Carmona, an adult education teacher, stepped in to clean the place up.
And somehow, the volunteers just kept coming. Every Sunday now, the residents of this town in southwest Spain — young and old — do what needs to be done, whether it is cleaning the streets, raking the leaves, unclogging culverts or planting trees in the park.
“It was an initiative from them,” said Mr. García. “Day to day we talked to people and we told them there was no money. Of course, they could see it. The grass in between the sidewalks was up to my thigh. “
Higuera de la Serena is in many ways a microcosm of Spain’s troubles. Just as Spain’s national and regional governments are struggling with the collapse of the construction industry, overspending on huge capital projects and a pileup of unpaid bills, the same problems afflict many of its small towns.
But what has brought Higuera de la Serena a measure of fame in Spain is that the residents have stepped up where their government has failed. Mr. García says his phone rings regularly from other town officials who want to know how to do the same thing. He is serving without pay, as are the town’s two other elected officials. They are also forgoing the cars and phones that usually come with the job.
“We lived beyond our means,” Mr. García said. “We invested in public works that weren’t sensible. We are in technical bankruptcy.” Even some money from the European Union that was supposed to be used for routine operating expenses and last until 2013 has already been spent, he said.
Higuera de la Serena, a cluster of about 900 houses surrounded by farmland, and traditionally dependent on pig farming and olives, got swept up in the giddy days of the construction boom. It built a cultural center and invested in a small nursing home. But the projects were plagued by delays and cost overruns.
The cultural center still has no bathrooms. The nursing home, a whitewashed building sits on the edge of town, still unopened. Together, they account for some $470,000 of debt owed to the bank. But the rest of the debt is mostly the unpaid bills of a town that was not keeping up with its expenses. It owes for medical supplies, for diesel fuel, for road repair, for electrical work, for musicians who played during holidays.
Higuera de la Serena is not completely without workers. It still has a half-time librarian, two half-time street cleaners, someone part-time for the sports complex, a secretary and an administrator, all of whom are paid through various financing streams apart from the town. But the town once had a work force twice the size. And when someone is ill, volunteers have to step in or the gym and sports complex — open four hours a day — must close. (文章选自 Money Ran Out; Then the Villagers Stepped In)
他说,接下来居然发生一件让人意想不到的事情。那时由于没有一个像样儿的厨房,卫生部正准备关闭托儿所,一名叫做伯纳多·贝尼特斯的建筑工人提出为其免费修筑墙壁并贴上瓷砖。一名叫做玛丽亚·何塞·卡莫纳的成人教师也站了出来,要帮助打扫托儿所。 不知怎么地,志愿者们一个个接踵而至。现在,每逢周日,这座西班牙西南部小镇的居民们,无论老少,都来帮助完成镇里那些需要被完成的事宜,有人清扫大街,有人清理落叶,有人疏通水道,还有人在公园里植树。
但是由于当地的居民在政府支持不住的时候挺身而出,希格拉德拉塞丽娜镇在西班牙声名大增。加西亚说,经常有其他镇子的官员打来电话向自己讨教是怎么做到这些的。加西亚没有薪水可领,其他两个选举出来的官员也是一样。他们甚至放弃了工作中配备的公车和电话。 加西亚说:“我们入不敷出,在公共事业上的投资并不理智,技术也十分欠缺。欧盟的借款本应用于正常政府运作,并维持到2013年,可是即使这些钱都已经花光了。”
文化中心还没有洗手间。粉刷成白色的疗养院坐落于小镇的边缘,至今还没有开放。这两个项目加起来共拖欠了银行470,000美元。其他的债务主要是小镇入不敷出造成的,这些开支包括医疗供应、燃油、公路维护、电力供应以及那些在节假日表演的音乐家们。 希格拉德拉塞丽娜镇并不是一名工人也没有。它有一名半工半薪的图书管理员,两名半工半薪的道路清洁工,一名在体育中心兼职的工作人员,一名秘书和一名管理员。他们的薪水都来自小镇外的其他渠道。但在此之前,镇子里的工人数量是现在的两倍。体育中心每天开放四个小时,现在只要工作人员生病,志愿者们就必须接手体育中心的工作,否则体育中心必须关闭。
Section2: Chinese-English Translation (汉译英)(50 points)
参考译文:In the past ten years, China’s economy has enjoyed rapid and sustained growth. China’s economic strength, comprehensive national strength and living standards have all reached a new high. China has undergone historic changes and made important contribution to economic growth in Asia and beyond.
China has made remarkable achievements in development, but it remains the largest developing country in the world. Population, resources and the environment have put great pressure on our economic and social development, and there is lack of adequate balance, coordination or sustainability in our development.
In 2011, China implemented the outline of its 12th Five-Year Plan for economic and social development, which lists the main tasks for the next five years.
In the next five years, China will make great efforts to implement the strategy of boosting domestic demand, especially consumer demand, and put in place an effective mechanism to unleash consumption potential. We will ensure that consumption, investment and export contribute to economic growth in a coordinated way.
China will make great efforts to pursue the strategy of “going global”. We will encourage enterprises of different ownership structures to invest overseas in an orderly manner and carry out cooperation on projects that will improve local infrastructure and people’s livelihood.?China will make great efforts to participate in global economic governance and regional cooperation. We will push for the reform of the global economic and financial systems and the building of a balanced multilateral trade regime that benefits all. We oppose all forms of protectionism and will work for a more just and reasonable global economic order.
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