Part? I.? Translate? the? following? terms,? acronyms? and? proper? names? from? English? into? Chinese.
3.?integrated?circuit ?
Part?II.?Translate?the?following?terms,?acronyms?and?proper?names?from?Chinese?into?English.1.? 机器人
2.? 飞机起落架
3.? 空调系统
4.? 最大起飞重量
5.? 手机短信
6.? 技术开发
7.? 雾霾
8.? 机场航站楼
9.? 注册资本
10.? 市场营销
11.? 欧元区
12.? 民航业
13.? 大飞机
14.? 机长
15.? 电气工程与自动化
Part? III.? Translate? the? following? passages? from? English? into? Chinese.Passage?1In many areas the A380 has proven technologies that will become the standard for the next generation of airliners. As one example, the aircraft benefits from a higher proportion of carbon-fibre composite than any previous Airbus aircraft, around 22% compared with12% for an A340-600 or 9% on a 777. For the first time, this technology has been applied to major components such as the centre-wing box, the heart of the aircraft structure. The information and data management requirements for an aircraft as large as the A380 also have placed demands on system design. These have been met in two ways. The aircraft’s avionics system uses 22 computers of 7 different varieties that share all the functions traditionally handled by individual ‘black boxes’. Data exchange in the system utilises a high capacity and high speed ethernet datalink with data exchange at a rate of 10 million bits per second, 100 times the capacity of a traditional avionics system.
Passage 2
The world balance of power is changing. Countries like China, India, Turkey and Brazil are heard from more frequently and on a wider range of subjects. The European Union’s most ambitious global project ─ creating a universal treaty to reduce carbon emissions ─ has collapsed, and EU expansion has slowed to a crawl as Europe turns inward to deal with its debt crisis. Japan has ceded its place as the largest economy in Asia to China and appears increasingly on the defensive in the region as China’s hard and soft powers grow. The international specialists have a label for these changes: American decline. The dots look so connectable: The financial crisis, say the experts, comprehensively demonstrated the failure of ‘Anglo‐Saxon’ capitalism. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have sapped American strength and, allegedly, destroyed America’s ability to act in the Middle East. Actually, what’s been happening is just as fateful but much more complex. The United States isn’t in decline, but it is in the midst of a major rebalancing.
Part IV. Translate the following passages from Chinese into English.Passage 1中国政府今年宣布推动的重大项目──大飞机公司计划即将迈出第一步。从事大飞机 研制的中国商用飞机有限公司将于 11 日在上海挂牌,专家预计,中国自主研发的大型客机 将在 2020 年前正式投产。中国商用飞机有限公司注册资本 190 亿元。作为第 152 家中央直 属企业,大飞机公司的领导班子已浮出水面,公司的董事长和总经理全部由原国防科工委 官员出任。
Passage 2
在公元前5世纪春秋末期, 首先在江苏扬州附近开凿了一条运河, 把长江的水引向北面。 这条运河最初在公元7世纪隋朝时期得到扩长,最后在公元13世纪被修成了今天的大运河。 大运河在元、明、清三代是中国南北运输的大动脉,为南北经济和文化的交流做出了巨大 的贡献。由于南北海运的发展和19世纪中期天津至浦口和北京至汉口铁路的开通,大运河 的作用被大大地削弱了,很多地段荒废了和被泥沙堵塞了。在新中国成立后,大运河又焕 发了生机。除开山东地段只能部分通航之外,大运河很多其他的地段在一些季节能通航, 从江苏至浙江的800公里地段能全年通航。
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