1. Put the following terms into Chinese. (15 分)
2. Netizen
3. accumulated fund
4. a bissextile year
5. deficit budget
6. health resort
7. knowledge industry
8. GNP
9. foreign exchange control
10. FTA
11. singe one’s wings
12. Daniel come to judgment
14. Tropical Cancer
15. Mercedes-Benz
2. Put the following passage into Chinese. (60 分)The general use of speech is to transfer our mental discourse into verbal, or the train of our thoughts into a train of words, and that for two commodities; whereof one is the registering of the consequences of our thoughts, which being apt to slip out of our memory and put us to a new labor, may again be recalled by such words as they were marked by. So that the first use of names is to serve for marks or notes of remembrance. Another is when many use the same words to signify, by their connexion and order one to another, what they conceive or think of each matter; and also what they desire, fear, or have any other passion for. And for this use they are called signs. Special uses of speech are these: first, to register what by cogitation we find to be the cause of anything, present or past; and what we find things present or past may produce, or effect; which, in sum, is acquiring of arts. Secondly, to show to others that knowledge which we have attained;which is to counsel and teach one another. Thirdly, to make known to others our wills and purposes that we may have the mutual help of one another. Fourthly, to please and delight ourselves, and others, by playing with our words, for pleasure or ornament, innocently.
3. Put the following terms into English. (15 分)1. 占中
2. 广场舞
3. 乌克兰
4. 布里斯班
5. 丝路基金
6. 量化宽松
7. 创新增长
8. 阳光财政
9. 落地签证
10 国民待遇
11 国事访问
12 夕阳工业
4. Put the following paragraph into English. (60 分)市长王安顺高度重视APEC周的天气和空气质量。他要求气象、环保等部门 加强应急联动,切实做好天气预报预警和应急工作,一旦预测到空气污染,要及时 采取建议性甚至强制性减排措施,及时向全社会发布预报和预警,引导企事业单位 自觉治污减排,动员全社会共同参与应对空气污染。在APEC周内,整个北京市机 动车辆采取单双号限行。为减轻环境和交通压力,在京中央和国家机关、事业单位 和社会团体、北京市机关、事业单位和社会团体,11月7日至11月12日调放休假。
真题来源:互联网 短语翻译答案由mtizt.com提供