
本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网/2017-06-04

I. Translate the following sentences into English. (30 points)











11.胡主席和奥巴马总统都积极评价美国新一届政府就职以来中美关系的发展, 一致同意坚持从战略的高度和长远的角度出发,加强对话、交流、合作,共同努 力建设21世纪积极、合作、全面的中美关系。并将采取切实行动,稳固建立应 对共同挑战的中美关系,为促进世界的和平、稳定和繁荣而努力。(5’)

12.南京市市长季建业表示,接过奥运旗巾只就是接过一份使命、一份责任、一份 担当,南京将履行对国际奥委会和全世界作出的郑重承诺,在学习借鉴北京奥运、 新加坡青奥会等重大赛事举办经验基础上,突出特色,强化创新,坚持人文青奥、 绿色青奥、活力青奥的理念,办一届成功、圆满、精彩的青奥盛会。(5’)

II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (30 points altogether, and 2 points each)

1. Under these seas the largest single geological feature on earth has been found a mountain range that dwarfs the Himalayas. It,s a range that covers nearly one quarter of the earth’s surface.

2. A University of Delaware team called Acres has filed a patent for a process that could end with cheaper, lighter and greener materials.

3. Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.

4. The low staff morale was caused by the constant disagreements between the managers overseeing the project.

5. The long slender bars of cloud float like fishes in the sea of crimson light.

6. Middle-aged women vary in the amount of calcium lost from their bones; one third suffer heavy losses, making them much more vulnerable to bone fractures.

7. With the exception of late delivery or non-delivery due to irresistible force, in case the sellers fail to make delivery within the time as stipulated in the contract, the sellers should indemnify the buyers for all losses and expenses incurred to the latter directly attributable to late delivery or to non-delivery.

8. To be quite honest with you, I don’t know the first thing about the modem drug business.

9. When we were tired, we were unreasonable, cross, and the victims of transcendent depressions.

10. He sat at breakfast with his wife and children, absorbed in his own fancies, which reached far without the realm of their interests.

11. Someday the archives will show nothing but a dreary sham, a repulsive exercise in diplomatic dodging, shadowboxing and double-talking.

The major challenges of the 21st century, from climate change to nuclear proliferation to economic recovery, are challenges that touch both our nations, and c^^ges that neither of our nations can solve by acting alone.

13. Women who have passed through the menopause should consider taking extra female hormone to prevent bone fractures, the Royal College of Physicians said yesterday.

14. The scientist were astounded to find water vapor in the freezing atmospheres of Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune Saturn.

15. It is not a question how much a man knows, but what use he can make of what he knows; not a question of wMt he has acquired, and how he has been trained, but of what he is, and what he can do.

III. Translate the following passage into Eglish. (50 points)

美国《财富》杂志曾在征答栏中刊么一个题目:假如让你重新选择, 你做什么? 一位军界要人的回答,是去乡杂货铺;一位女部长的答案, 是到哥斯达黎加的海滨经营一个小旅馆;一位的愿望是改行当摄影记者;一 位劳动部长是想做一家饮料公司的经理。几位商人的回答最是离奇:一位想变成 女人;一位想成为一条狗。更有甚者,想退出人的世界,化为植物。其间也有一 般百姓的回答,想做总统的,想做外交官的,想做面包师的,应有尽有。但是,很少有人想做现在的自己。

人有时非常矛盾。本来活得好好的,各方面的环境都不错,然而当事者却常 常心存厌倦。对人类这种因生命的平淡和激情而苦恼的心态,有时是不能用 不知足来解释的。

我曾对住在森林里的一对夫妻羡慕不己。当这对夫妇知道有人羡慕他 们的住所时,却神情诧异。他们认为这儿没有观光和留恋的景致,远不如城市丰富有趣。

当时,我的感觉是,悉的地方没有风景。这对儿太熟悉了,花草 树木,清风明月,在他们漫长的日子里,已不再有风景的是成为习以为 常的东西。《财富》杂志上的那些部长、商人及平民百姓们,^以不愿做他们 现在的自己,与住在森林公园的那对夫妇一样,是对长期拥有的^景,已经 习以为常,风景已不再成其为风景了。

在人生的旅途中,最糟糕的境遇往往不是贫困,不是厄运,而是精神和心境 处于一种无知无觉的疲惫状态。感动过你的一切不能再感动你,吸引过你的一切不能再吸引你,甚至激怒过你的一切也不再激怒你,这时,人就需要寻找另一片风景。

IV. Translate the following passage into Chinese. (40 points)

Obviously many people knew that Maugham and Forster were homosexuals, and Coward never made any effort to disguise his sexual preference, but the issue was never made public, and neither Maugham nor Forster felt free enough to express his own feelings. Maugham and Forster were not alone in their fear of exposure, and there was good reason for their fear. Andre Gide was one of the first major figures to declare himself a homosexual during his own lifetime (1869-1951). He did so first in an autobiographical novel published in 1924, If It Die, and to make certain that the implications of the novel were fully understood, he published his dialogues on homosexuality, Corydon, that same year. Other later writers such as Allan Ginsberg and Christopher Isherwood never made any secret about their sexual preference and wrote novels and poems on homoerotic themes. Tennessee Williams also wrote about his homosexuality, but unlike Ginsberg and Isherwood, never used it as an explicit theme in his writing, although some of his plays could play as well with a homosexual couple as a heterosexual one. Others who never publicly announced their homosexuality include the economist John Maynard Keynes, the novelists Hart Grane, Hugh Walpole, Virginia Woolf, the poet W.H. Auden, and vast numbers of businessmen, workers, and even politicians such as Tom Driberg, who was chairman of the National Executive Committee of the British Labor Party from 1949 to 1972. In this last case, though his homosexuality was known to many of his fellow MPs, it allegedly kept him out of the British cabinet, although he was appointed to the House of Lords. Homosexual, in fact, once the veil of secrecy is removed, is ubiquitous. Even such American folk heroes as Horatio Alger, Jr., were homosexual; his asexual boy heroes who gained success through living virtuous lives were perhaps his own sublimated way of expressing his homoerotic affection.

It is not just fear of exposure, however, that has kept so many homosexuals in the closet. There is more, some of it lying deep in the unconscious and associated with the phenomenon that sociologists such as Erving Goffman have labeled as stigma. Goffman outlined several responses to stigma, including succumbing to shame, attempting to correct or change, remaining hidden or covering up (thereby passing as one without stigma), and joining with other outcasts into societies or organized groups. A group hated by society or who believe they are hated by society often begins to hate themselves. This has led to self-hatred by many Jews, to hostility between some blacks and other blacks, and to disparagement of women by other women. It has led to similar self-hatred among homosexuals. Perhaps the most common coping mechanism is to try to pass as a member of the majority group.


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