
本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网/2017-06-04

I. 词语翻译:英汉术语、缩略语或专有名词互译(30分)(一)英译汉(15分)


2.China NET

3. CA




7. IBM

8. ISO

9. MSC

10. Mount Everest

11. IT

12. literal translation

13, jerry-built project

14. summit conference

15. optional course

















II.语篇翻译:英汉段落互译(120 分)(―)英译汉(60分)

For this reason, no style of conversation is more extensively acceptable than the narrative. He who has stored his memory with slight anecdotes, private incidents, and personal peculiarities, seldom fails to find his audience favorable. Almost every man listens with eagerness to contemporary history; for almost every man has some real or imaginary connexion with a celebrated character, some desire to advance or oppose a rising name. Vanity often co-operates with curiosity. He that is a hearer in one place, qualifies himself to become a speaker in another; for though he cannot comprehend a series of argument, or transport the volatile spirit of wit without evaporation, he yet thinks himself able to treasure up the various incidents of a story, and please his hopes with the information which he shall give to some inferior society.

Narratives are for the most part heard without envy, because they are not supposed to imply any intellectual qualities above the common rate. To be acquainted with facts not yet echoed by plebeian mouths, may happen to one man as well as to another; and to relate them when they are known, has in appearance so little difficulty, that every one concludes himself equal to the task.

But it is not easy, and in some situations of life not possible, to accumulate such a stock of materials as may support the expense of continual narration; and it frequently happens, that they who attempt this method of ingratiating themselves, please only at the first interview; and, for want of new supplies of intelligence, wear out their stories by continual repetition.

There would be, therefore, little hope of obtaining the praise of a good companion, were it not to be gained by more compendious methods; but such is the kindness of mankind to all, except those who aspire to real merit and rational dignity, that every understanding may find some way to excite benevolence; and whoever is not envied may learn the art of procuring love. We arc willing to be pleased, but arc not willing to admire; we favor the mirth or officiousness that solicits our regard, but oppose (he worth or spirit that enforces it.


去年5月,江西省政府孙刚副省长率团访问意大利,与皮埃蒙特大区政府签署两省区 结好意向书,揭开双方友好交流合作的序幕》去年9月,皮埃蒙特大区杜尔弗公司(Durfo Sri in Piemonte)总裁亚力山大?阿利贝蒂(Alessandro A丨iberti)先生等在北美熊猫公司总裁刘 敦仁先生陪同下先后参加了在南昌举办的中国中部投资贸易博览会和在赣州举办的首届国 际脐橙节,与赣州果业局达成有关合作意向,开始了双方的实质性交流与合作?今年,江 西省友城工作小组、皮埃蒙特大区汽车工业代表团又实现互访,两省区的友谊与了解进一 步增强。今天,贵方借着参加我省第二届国际友城大会的契机,又给我们带来一个如此美 好而盛大的酒会。我相信,这是两省区友好关系发展中的一个重要里程碑,必将进一步推 动两省区在省、市两个层次间的友好交往进程,进一步促进双方在经贸、科技、文化、农 业、旅游等多领域的交流与合作,为中意两国人民的友谊与合作谱写新的篇章!

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真题来自互联网 短语翻译答案由Mtizt.com提供

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