I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively.? (30 points)
1. Electro-Analytical Chemistry
2. Semiconductor Integrated Circuitry
3. Sensors & Testing Technology?
4. Wind Power Utilization
5. Industrial Enterprise Management
6. Launch Pad
7. Computer Interface
8. Mechanical Property of Metal
9. Freeze Drying Technique
10. Foreign Material Flow
11. CD-ROM
12. Horizontal Transfer
13. Joint Agenda for Action
14. Commercial Transaction
15. Bank Depositor
16. 电机设计
17. 太阳能电池板
18. 当代文学
19. 工程材料及热处理
20. 广播新闻
21. 宏观经济学
22. 计算机局域网
24. 论文指导
25. 数字电路
II. Directions: Translate the following source texts into their target languages respectively. If the source text is in English its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is English. (120 points,)Source Text 1:Web Personalization
Are you getting the most out of the Web, or is the Web getting all it can out of you? That’s the question the e-commerce industry is wrestling with as Web personalization technology takes off.
The potential is great: With Web personalization, users can get more information on the Internet faster because websites already know their interests and needs.
But to gain this convenience, users must give up some information about themselves and their interests—and give up some of their privacy.
Web personalization is made possible by tools that enable websites to collect information about users.
One of the ways is accomplished by having visitors to a site fill out forms with information fields that populate a database. The website then uses the database to match a user’s needs to the products or information provided at the site, with middleware facilitating the process by passing data between the database and the website. An example is Seattle-based Amazon.com Inc.’s ability to suggest books or CDs users may want to purchase based on interests they list when registering with the site.
Cookies may be the most recognizable personalization tools. Cookies are bits of code that sit in a user’s Internet browser memory and tell websites who the person isthat,s how a website is able to greet users by name.
A less obvious means of Web personalization is collaborative-filtering software that resides on a website and tracks users’ movements. Wherever users go on the internet, they can’t help but leave footprints. And software is getting better at reading the paths users take across the web to discern their interests and viewing habits: from the amount of time they spend on one page to the types of pages they choose.
Collaborative-filtering software compares the information it gains about one user’s behaviour against data about other customers with similar interests. In this way,users get recommendations like Amazon’s “Customers who bought this book also bought.
In the future, observers say they expect to see more advanced technology like neutral networks helping e-commerce sites learn more about their customers, behaviours.
Source Text 2:广东人的家常菜中有大量应时食谱。他们坚信“食物即药”,一年四季都 需要精心照料家人的健康。春夏秋冬四季食谱充分利用当季最好的食材,汲 取每一滴有益身体的营养。身为移居干燥北京的南方人,我很快就懂得欣赏 妈妈所做的滋润汤羹了,过去我对这些汤则是习以为常。我用了无数瓶润肤 霜来护肤,整个冬季都开着饮水机泡茶喝。干季渐渐离去,淅淅沥沥的春雨 也许预示这个夏季会更潮湿或更炎热。在此期间,我们需要遵循自然规律, 确保饮食合理。我们需要增加维生素的摄入量,帮助身体增强免疫力。多喝 水,多吃绿色蔬菜,吃老祖母能认得的食物。
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