
本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网/2017-06-04

试题类型:A卷I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively.

1. GNP

2. Foreign Exchange Reserves

3. Neoclassicism?

4. Adventure Novels

5. Judicial Interpretation

6. Civil Procedure Law

7. Anti-Submarine Rocket

8. Individual All-round Competition

9. Positional Parameter

10. Maximum Likelihood Method

11. Computer Aided Design

12. Absolute Velocity

13. Intelligent Design

14. Detrimental Resistance

15. Maximum Usable Frequency

16. 集体经济

17. 宏观调控

18. 人权法案

19. 党内民主

20. 实况转播

21. 单杠

22. 数据交换格式

23. 可靠度

24. 存储地址

25. 虚拟现实技术

26. 建筑装饰

27. 土木工程

28. 居民区

29. 集成电路

30. 抗药性

II. Directions: Translate the following source texts into their target languages respectively. If the source language is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source language is in Chinese, its target language is in English (120 points, i.e. 30 points for each)Source Text 1:

Pharmacogenetics — also known as pharmacogenomics — is the study of how genes influence a person’s response to drugs. It has always been obvious that different people respond differently to the same medication. However, it has usually not been known why. The promise of pharmacogenetics is to alter this situation by allowing doctors to select treatments based on the genetic makeup of each individual patient. Pharmacogenetics will also allow prescriptions to be calculated based on a person’s genetics rather than purely their weight and age. Vaccines will also be able to be genetically targeted, with different strains for different patient DNA profiles. In addition, pharmacogenetics will allow medicines that work very well in some people but cause major side effects in others to be safely brought to market as it will be known who will react badly to them and who will not.

Source Text 2:

The war rhetoric implies that America and Japan are directly suppressing their currencies to boost exports and suppress imports. That would be a zero-sum game which could degenerate into protectionism and a collapse in trade. But this is not what they are doing. When central banks have lowered their short-term interest rate to near zero and thus exhausted their conventional monetary methods, they turn to unconventional means such as QE (expansion of the money supply) or convincing people that inflation will rise. Both actions should lower real (inflation-adjusted) interest rates. This may now be happening in Japan. The principal goal of this policy is to stimulate domestic spending and investment. As a by-product, lower real rates usually weaken the currency as well, and that in turn tends to depress imports. But if the policy is successful in reviving domestic demand, it will eventually lead to higher imports. Aggressive monetary expansion in a big economy suffering from weak demand and subdued inflation is good for the rest of the world,not bad. The International Monetary Fund concluded that America’s first rounds of monetary laxity boosted its trading partners,output by as much as 0.3%. The dollar did weaken, but that became a motivation for Japan’s stepped-up assault on deflation. The combined monetary boost on opposite sides of the Pacific has been a powerful elixir for global investor confidence.

Source Text 3:

在西藏,凡是欢聚必须唱歌。婚礼宴席、婴儿降生、孩子上学、新房落成都要饮 酒庆贺。有趣的是,人死后一周年之际,邻居亲友也要欢聚一堂,喝酒唱歌,祝贺死 者投胎转世。人们慢慢饮酒,悠悠唱歌,似醉非醉,如梦如痴……西藏人爱唱歌,劳 动有劳动歌,谈恋爱有爱情歌,仪式典礼上有赞颂歌,喝酒时有对酒歌,高僧大德有 传道歌,就连强盗也有“强盗歌”。一位藏族民俗家曾在藏北草原搜集到不少《盗侠歌》, 其中一首写到:“我骑在马上无忧无虑,宝座上头人也比不上我;我漂泊无定浪迹天涯, 蓝天下大地便是我家。”

Source Text 4:

认识那片青草地,是一个早春二月里的日子。周围的一切还处在一派寂静之中。 那片青草地却在不惹人注意的时候,以一种青春的蓬勃,悄悄地展延着生命的颜色, 生长着这个季节之初所独有的鹅黄嫩绿。春天刚刚复活,这片青草地宛如茫茫人海中 久违的朋友,似严冬日子里的一丝温暖,给了一位从冬天走过来的孤寂旅人以新的生 命、热爱生命的力量和勇气!草儿似乎刚刚出浴。鲜嫩的叶片上溜滑着一滴两滴的露 珠,在春阳的映照下,折射出一片耀眼的晶莹,似一粒粒珍珠在熠熠闪光。微风轻掠 湖畔的时候,露珠从叶尖上颤颤地滚落下来,使人想起杏花春雨里的千点万点晶亮亮 的檐滴,想起了生命成长的过程……


I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively.


2. Liberalized Operation

3. Tax Reduction and Exemption

4. Dramatic Monologue

5. Board of Supervisors

6. Air-Launched Cruise Missile

7. Ultra-egoism

8. Rhythmic Gymnastics

9. American Iron and Steel Institute

10. Performance Specification

11. Liquid Crystal Display

12. Constructing Document

13. Motor Vehicles

14. Energy Metabolism ,

15. Watertight Concrete

16. 私营部门

17. 多样化经济

18. 平面设计

19. 启蒙运动

20. 法律的实施

21. 享乐主义

22. 空军基地

23. 三级跳远

24. 变频器

25. 耗油量

26. 核电站

27. 水上运输

28. 钢板

29. 脂肪酸

30. 探究行为

II. Directions: Translate the following source texts into their target languages respectively.? (120 points)Source Text 1:

All forms of genetic modification (GM) take one or more genes from one species and introduce it into the DNA of another in order to create a “transgenic” organism with different characteristics. So, for example, a plant may be made more resistant to disease, drought or pesticides by introducing a foreign gene from another species into its genome. One of the first GM plants was created at the University of California in 1986. Here, some tobacco plants were transgenically altered with a gene from a firefly to make them bioluminescent. The result was GM tobacco capable of emitting a glow. The first commercial GM plant was the Flavr Savr tomato. Created by Calgene, this was licensed for human consumption in 1994. Specifically, Calgene used “gene silencing” technology to shut down the gene that causes tomatoes to rot, so allowing the GM produce to stay firm for longer after harvest.

Source Text 2:

Americans are forever grumbling about government gridlock. But the whole game changes when a credit-rating agency begins to echo them. On April 18,Standard & Poor’s, one of those mysteriously powerful firms that grade the financial strength of bond issuers, announced that it was starting to wonder whether the mighty U.S. government could be counted on to repay its creditors. It was a big moment: the first time in seven decades of monitoring Uncle Sam that S&P had sounded such a warning. While there were certainly analysts who regarded the timing of the downgrade as somewhat political (S&P itself has recently been under pressure from the government for its part in the financial crisis), few questioned its fundamental merit. The Congressional Budget Office projects that within 12 years, federal debt could reach 100% of GDP, putting the U.S. deeper in the hole than bankrupt Ireland or Portugal; the bond raters from S&P have good reason to be worried. America’s largest creditor, China, which has been wagging its finger about the state of U.S. finances for the past three years,took the opportunity recently to urge the U.S. to adopt more “responsible measures” to protect investors. This came on the back of a hand slap from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) just a few weeks prior. The IMF had rebuked the U.S. for its lack of a “credible strategy” to stabilize its debt 一 an indignity once reserved for poor countries.

Source Text 3:

近几年来,父亲和我都是东奔西走,家中光景是一日不如一日。他少年出外谋生, 独力支持,做了许多大事。哪知老境却如此颓唐!他触目伤怀,自然情不能自已。情 郁于中,自然要发之于外;家庭琐屑便往往触他之怒。他待我渐渐不同往日。但最近 两年的不见,他终于忘却我的不好,只是惦记着我,惦记着我的儿子。我北来后,他 写了一信给我,信中说道:“我身体平安,惟膀子疼痛厉害,举箸提笔,诸多不便, 大约大去之期不远矣。”我读到此处,在晶莹的泪光中,又看见那肥胖的、青布棉袍 黑布马褂的背影。唉!我不知何时再能与他相见!

Source Text 4:

中国是否应该暂时放慢脚步,这应该无可争辩。就好比一个人在剧烈运动之后, 心跳可以达到每分钟180下,但却不能永远保持在180。过去30年,中国发展势头迅 猛,却很难沉下心来从头反思,积累了诸多发展中的问题,比如环境污染、不可逆的 生态恶化、贫富悬殊等等。越发展我们就会越切身体验到,发展固然是硬道理,但许 多问题,功夫的确还在发展外,必须跳出惯性思维,沉下心来思考解决之道,才有助 于更好的发展。7%的提出正当其时,其中蕴含的新发展观必然构成传统官员的挑战, 全面考验官员执政能力的时候到了。

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