
本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网/2017-06-04

I. Directions: Translate the following phrases and sentences into their target language respectively. There are altogether 20 phrases with one point for each, and 5 sentences with 2 points for each in this part of the test. (30 points)

1.? light heart

2. milk the bull

3. kill time

4. the decimal system of counting

5. fulfill our plan ahead of schedule

6. fill someone with longing

7. government aid

8. a spring in every step

9. a giant of a man

10. the purchasing power











21. They worked out a new method by which production has now been rapidly increased.

22. I believe strongly that it is in the interests of my countrymen that Britain should remain an active and energetic member of the European Community.

23. Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere in nature is it found free, owing to its always being combined with other elements.

24.中国是世界上最早的文明古国之一,对人类文化的发展,曾做出了不可磨 灭的贡献。

25.这家工厂大搞技术革新,充分利用当地资源,生产出大量的、多种多样的 药品。

II. Directions: Translate the following three source texts into their target language respectively. If the source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is English. (120 points)Source Text 1 (20 points):

黄鹤楼雄踞长江之滨,蛇山之首,背倚万户林立的武昌城,面临汹涌浩荡 的扬子江,相对古雅清俊晴川阁。登山黄鹤楼,武汉三镇的旖旎风光历历在目, 辽阔神州的锦绣山河也遥遥相望。独特的地理位置,以及前人流传的至今的诗 词、文赋、楹联、匾额、摩岩石刻和民间故事,使黄鹤楼成为山川与人文景观 相互倚重的文化名楼,与湖南岳阳楼、江西滕王阁并称为”江南三大名楼”,素 来享有”天下绝景”和”天下江山第一楼”的美誉。

Source Text 2 (30 points):

金属开采就是从矿床里采出金属和矿石,开采富矿时应该考虑多采出矿石 减少损失,如果采用的采矿方法所需费用高(或投资高)在允许的情况下也是合 理的。相反,当开采贫矿时应考虑选用费用低的采矿方法,如果矿床中品位分 布不均,富矿和贫矿都应开采(应搭配开采)。金属矿床的范围,金属品位和埋 藏深度不同就需要采用露天开采或地下开采不同的采矿方法。当金属矿床在地 表掲露或地表覆盖层(地层表土)较薄(或被浅的表土覆盖时)采用露天开采,一般 大型铁矿床常用露天开采。当边坡限制了露天开采的深度时,继续采用露天开 采更大深度的矿床,就需要剥离大量的表土,因此对于埋藏较深的矿体应采用 地下开采。

Source Text 3(20 points):

Corpus-based Translation Studies (CTS) has gained marked achievements in recent years, which is manifested in two aspects: one is a deepened understanding of such old topics as translation universals, translator’s style, etc.; the other is the development of new topics, such as corpus-based explorations of language changes, construction of the multimodal corpus for interpreting studies, etc. The future development of CTS presents some new tendencies including 1) a shift of focus from translation proper to the external contexts of translation, that is, from translated texts to factors that constrain translation text production and to the changes brought about to the source or target languages; 2) a shift from description to explanation with an increase in empiricism and multi-disciplinariness; 3) the simple mono-lingual comparable, interlingual parallel research model or an integrated one of both has been replaced by the multiple-complex models in relation to research needs with a tendency toward process and causal model.

Source Text 4 (50 points):

This is a historic pioneering meeting (a pioneering meeting of historic significance). It is a historic meeting of pioneering nature. It mirrors the common desire of Asian and European nations for world peace and development as well as inter-continental exchanges and cooperation/collaboration.

It shows/indicates/marks/signals the growth of Asia, the great/tremendous

changes in the international relations as a whole, and represents the developmental trend towards multi-polarity.

I firmly believe/ I am convinced that the meeting will exert a positive influence on the shaping of a new world pattern. I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Thai government for successfully sponsoring the meeting.

To establish a new Asia-Europe partnership requires (calls for) us to have new concepts and methods. Reviewing the past and previewing the future, I find that the new Asia-Europe partnership must be established/built on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit.

We should seek common ground while disregarding/overlooking/ setting aside/putting aside/reserving/ preserving differences, promote mutual understanding and trust, eliminate/remove trade discrimination, refrain from trade sanctions and increase / strengthen technical exchanges and cooperation.

To promote mutual understanding and trust, Asia and Europe should increase political dialogs between them. As far as we are concerned, we would like to see that the EU advances in the process of integration and we would also like to see that the EU remains independent and open.

On the other hand, we hope Europe can understand the Asian nations’ desire to maintain political stability while promoting economic development and expanding regional cooperation. We also hope that Europe can support the Asian countries’ efforts to achieve this goal.

We are ready/willing to increase (enhance/ extend/further) our cooperation with Asian and European nations. We have conducted (carried out/launched) significant reforms in our foreign trade system and formulated (enacted/issued/promulgated) a set of relevant laws. Our tariff level has dropped to 17 percent from 23 percent.

I believe that China’s reform, opening and social stability will bring the business circles of the Asian and European countries considerable investment and good trading opportunities, thus, making positive contributions to peace, stability and prosperity in Asia and even (in) the whole world.


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