
本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网/2017-06-04

Part One: Vocabulary [60 min] (1X30=30 points)Section A English to Chinese [30 min]

Translate the following English terms into Chinese. Write your translation on Answer sheet.

1. cultural identity

2. glocalization

3. familiar stranger


5. domestication

6. parataxis

7. functional equivalence

8. translatology

9. post-colonialism *

10. schema theory

11. encoding and decoding

12. articulation, de-articulation and re-articulation

13. brain drain

14. double win

15. non-tariff barrier







6. 意合










Section B Chinese to English [30 min]

Translate the following Chinese terms into English. Write your translation on Answer sheet.





5. 文化休克

6. 网上冲浪

7. 经济大萧条

8. 目的语

9. 地球村

10. 消费青春

11. 亚文化抵抗

12. 汉式英语

13. 合资企业

14. 双边贸易

15. 文化移情


1. go-between/match-maker

2. emotion quotient

3. first-hand material

4. second language acquisition

5. culture shock

6. internet: surfing

7. Great Depression

8.’ target language

9. global village

10. kill the youth

11. subculture resistance

12. chinglish

13. joint venture

14. bilateral trade

15. cultural empathy

Part Two Text [120 min] (2X60=120 points)Section A English to Chinese [60 min]

Translate the following English text into Chinese. Write your translation on Answer sheet.

Cultural Studies and Post-Marxism

By Jeremy Valentine

The nature of the relation between cultural studies and post-Marxism is suggested by Stuart Hall’ s claim that cultural studies has never been submerged within Marxism but remains “within shouting distance,,of it. If that is the case, then it is important to bear in mind that the Marxism which cultural studies shouts at is not a stable and unified object which could simply be applied to the study of culture. This caution is especially relevant as Marxism is a critical materialist analysis which takes social change as its object, and which is therefore formed by and within social change. Materialism means there is simply nothing more than the material world. Marxism is materialist because the accounts of social formations it develops are rooted in the principle that the social world is produced, and that production is socially organised. Marxism is critical because its materialist assumptions undermine the view that social formations are natural or given by a god. This critical approach is also aimed at Marxism itself. “Post-Marxism” is simply a term with which to categorise this process. The term is needed in order to differentiate a critical materialist approach from a dogmatic approach which tends to regard Marxism as canonical.

There is not sufficient space to examine the various components of post-Marxism, or to demonstrate the different ways in which these are derived from the writings of Marx and Engles. Instead, this chapter will focus on a direction within post-Marxism which is within shouting distance, as Hall puts it, of cultural studies. In doing so, it will take the distinguishing characteristic of cultural studies to be its engagement with a post-Marxian approach which emphasises the analysis of the relations between culture and politics with determinate historical conditions ultimately derived from capitalism. (299 words)


文化研究与后马克思主义 杰里米?瓦伦丁

文化研究与后马克思主义之间关系的本质在斯图亚特?霍尔声称所表明的看来,文化研究从来 都没有淹没在马克思主义的泥沼中,但是它仍然“在向马克思主义开炮的同时和它保持一定 的距离”。如果是那样的话,那么重要的、牢记在心的是文化研究炮轰的马克思主义就不是一 个稳定的、统一的能被简单的应用到文化的研究中的对象了。这种警惕尤为重要,因为马克 思主义是一种批评的唯物主义分析方式,它把社会的变化看成是它的对象。同时,由^它由 社会变化形成,并在社会变化中形成。唯物主义意味着,单单只存在一种物质世界。马克思 主义是一种唯物主义思想,因为它发展起来的社会形构叙述根植在社会世界所产生的原理之 中,在社会中生产组织起来。马克思是一种批评的思想,因为其唯物主义的假设破坏了社会 形构是天然的或被上帝所赋予的观点。这种批评方法也直指马克思主义本身。“后马克思主义” 仅仅是一个对这个过程进行分类的术语。为了把那种试图视马克思主义为经典教条的方法与 一种批评的唯物主义的方法区分开来,这个术语是必要的。我们没有足够的空间去考察后马 克思主义各种不同的要素,或者去展示这些来自于马克思和恩格斯作品中不同的方法。取而 代之,本章将聚焦后马克思主义中的一个领域,如霍尔指出的,这是一个在向马克思主义开 炮的同时并和它保持一定距离的领域。为了完成这项工作,需要把文化研究与众不同的特征 看成是一种与之关切到的后马克思主义的分访方法,最终来自资本主义的决定历史条件中文 化与政治之间一种关系的分析。

Section B Chinese to English [60 min]

Translate the following Chinese text into English. Write your translation on Answer sheet.



最令人怵目惊心的一件事,是看着钟表上的秒针一下一下的移动,每移动一下就是表示我们 的寿命已经缩短了一部分。再看看墙上挂着的可以一张张撕下的日历,每天撕下一张就是表 示我们的寿命又缩短了一天。因为时间即生命。没有人不爱惜他的生命,但很少人珍视他的 时间。如果现在在有生之年做一点什么事,学一点什么学问,充实自己,帮助别人,使生命 成为有意义,不虛此生,那么就不可浪费光阴。这道理人人都懂,可是很少人真能积极不懈 的善于利用他的时间。(200 words)


Time Is Life f By Liang Shiqiu

It is most startling to hear a watch or lock clicking away the seconds, each click indicating the shortening of one’ s life by a little bit. Likewise, with each page torn off the wall calendar, one’ s life is shortened by another day. Time, therefore, is life. Nevertheless, few people treasure their time as much as their life. Time must not be wasted if you want to do your bit in your remaining years or acquire some useful knowledge to improve yourself and help others, so that your life may turn out to be significant and fruitful. All that is foolproof, yet few people really strive to make the best use of their time.



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