PARTI TRANSLATION OF WORDS AND PHRASES (30 POINTS) [60 MIN.]Section A From English to Chinese (15 points) [30 min.]
(1)UNDP: United Nations Development Program 联合国开发计划署
(2) TMD theater missile defense (system) 战区导弹防御(系统)
(3)OTC: Over the Counter (非处方(药)
(4)IMF (联合国)国际货币基金组织
(5)NASA .National Aeronautics and Space Administration 美国国家航空和宇宙航行局
(6) GPS Global Position System 全球定位系统
(7) cruise missile 巡航导弹
(8) irrevocable letter of credit 不可撤销信用证
(9) critical pressure:临界电压,临界压力,临界压强
(10) insulating board:绝缘板
(11) refugee camp:难民营
(12) intellectual property right:知识产权
(13)notary public office:公证处
(14)financial deficit: 财政赤字,预算赤字
(15) Reuters:(英国)路透社
Section B From Chinese to English (15 points) [30 min.](1)多次入境签证:Multiple entry visa
(2)反导弹卫星:Anti missile satellite
(3)国际标准化组织:international organization for standardization
(4)对外经济贸易委员会: Foreign economy and Trade Committee
(5)中国民航:Civil Aviation Administration of China;CAAC
(6)臭氧层:ozone layer, ozonosphere
(7)跳台跳水:platform diving
(8)载人宇宙飞船:manned spaceship
(9)候机大厅: The lobby of the airport
(10)国务院:the Sate Council
(11)(美国)联邦储备委员会:Federal Reserve Board
(12)联合国儿童基金会:UNICEF United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
(13)物联网:Internet of things
(14)核心利益和重大关切:Core interests and major concerns
(15)中国远洋运输总公司:China Ocean Shipping Company
PART II TRANSLATION OF PASSAGES (120 POINTS) [120 MIN.]Section A From English to Chinese (60 points) [60 min.](1)
The Obama administration on Monday plans to announce a campaign to pressure mortgage companies to reduce payments for many more troubled homeowners, as evidence mounts that a $75 billion taxpayer-financed effort aimed at stemming foreclosures is foundering.
“The banks are not doing a good enough job,” Michael S. Barr, Treasury’s assistant secretary for financial institutions, said in an interview Friday. “Some of the firms ought to be embarrassed, and they will be.” (选自《纽约时报》 Treasury to Pressure Mortgage Companies to Cut Payments mtizt.com注)
参考译文:奥巴马政府计划在周一宣布一项给抵押放款公司施压使其减少对更多的陷入困境的私房所有者放贷的运动。因为有证据显示一个由纳税人所缴税供给资金的旨在防止 抵押品赎回权丧失的活动正在日益废弛。
“银行的工作做得不够好。 ”财政部金融机构部长助理迈克尔·巴尔在周五的一个采访中说。一些公司不应该享受抵押贷款,他们也将面临这样的情形。
Hundreds of criminal cases fail to make it to court because of paperwork delays and other problems in the justice system, it has been revealed.
According to figures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, 4,000 suspects failed to appear before magistrates because the Crown Prosecution Service did not get their files ready in time.
But the CPS said the 4,000 represented only a fifth of a per cent of the total number of criminal cases dealt with in the courts.
Of the 4,000,almost 100 were thought to be alleged sex attackers and 700 cases involved violent attacks, according to the figures, which relate to the past three years in England and Wales.
Magistrates had no option but to reject CPS calls for repeated adjournments and throw out the cases when the paperwork did not materklize.(选自英国《每日邮报》 Hundreds of criminal cases thrown out of court due to Crown Prosecution Service delays mtizt.com注)
参考译文:英国皇家检控署 据纰,许多刑事案件没有被开庭审理都是因为没有及时给法庭出据书面报告以及一些其他的司法系统问题。
根据在信息自由法案下获得的数据显示,4000 名犯罪嫌疑人没有出现在法官面前都是由于英国皇家检控署没有及时提交他们犯罪的书面材料。
根据对英格兰和威尔士过去三年的犯罪情况调查研究数据显示,在这四千刑事案件中,近一百是性攻击案 、小班小班 件,七百是暴力案件。
Section B From Chinese to English (60 points) (60 min.)(Translate the underlined parts only.)当微软公司的CEO史蒂夫-巴尔默在6月26日向国家计委承诺,微软将在未来3年内向中国软件产业投入62亿元人民币时,几乎没有人相信微软是为了帮助中国软件产业的发展。
参考译文:When the CEO of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, had promised the State Committee of Planning on 26th June that Microsoft would invest 6 billion RMB on software industry of China in the following three years, when no one believed that it did this in the interest of the development of software industry of China.
More and more newsmen concluded it as a plot, even a sinister plot. What is the ultimate goal of this action of Microsoft? What is the price China will pay for the huge investments of Microsoft? These are the questions about which doubts were raised then. Obviously, the second questioning sounded much more serious then.
The following responses of the State Committee of Planning to the questioning obviously unjustified the worries of the anxiety-ridden figures in the software industry of China: in the memorandum of understanding, there are only promises from Microsoft, none from the side of the State Committee of Planning.
But Ballmer didn’t mention it that day that Microsoft has made the unprecedentedly biggest concession in this memorandum of understanding——Open Source Code.
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