I. Phrase Translation
1. Anti-Dumping Duty Order?反倾销税令
2. counter trade?对销贸易
3. holding company?控股公司
4. working capital?营运资本,流动资金 ?
5. contingency fund?应急费用
6. par value?票面价值
7. law of diminishing marginal utility?边际效用递减/规律
8. treasury bills?(美国或英国的)短期国库券
9. zero sum game?零和博弈,又称零和游戏
10. niche market 利基市场
11. 即期汇票?sight draft,demand draft
12. 资本流动性?mobility of capital
13. 抵押贷款?Mortgage Loan
14. 指令经济?Command economy
15. 机会成本?opportunity cost
16. 远期汇率?forward rate
17. 最低限价?floor price
18. 金融租赁公司?Financial leasing company
19. 微信 WeChat
20. 雾霾?haze
21. MOOC?网络公开课(Massive Open Online Courses)
22. TPP?跨太平洋战略经济伙伴协议(Trans-Pacific Partnership)
23. CAFTA?东盟自由贸易区(China-ASEAN Free Trade Area)
24. CFR?成本加运费(Cost and Freight )
25. GSP?普及特惠税制度(Generalized System Of Preferences)
26. ICC?国际商会(International Chamber of Commerce)
27. ITC?国际贸易委员会(International Trade Commission)
28. SBA?小企业管理局(Small Business Administration)
29. UNCTAD?联合国贸易和发展会议(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)
30. USAID?美国国际开发署(United States Agency for International Development)
Ⅱ Passage Translatron (120 points)Section One: Translate the following English passage into Chinese. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (60 points).Global financial stability has improved over the past six months, bolstered by better macroeconomic performance and continued accommodative macroeconomic policies, but fragilities remain. The two-speed recovery-modest in advanced economies and robust in emerging market economies-has posed different policy challenges for countries. In advanced economies hit hardest by the crisis, governments and households remain heavily indebted, to varying degrees, and the health of financial institutions has not recovered in tandem with the overall economy. Emerging market economies are facing new challenges associated with strong domestic demand, rapid credit growth, relatively accommodative macroeconomic policies, and large capital infl.ows. Geopolitical risks could also threaten the economic and financial outlook, with oil prices increasing sharply amid fears of supply disruptions in the Middle East and North Africa.
The main task facing policymakers in advanced economies is to shift the balance of policies away from reliance on macroeconomic ar,d liquidity support to more structural policies-less “leaning” and more “cleaning of the financial system. This vnll entail reducing leverage and restoring market discipline, while avoiding financial or economic disruption during the transition. Thus, ongoing policy efforts to withdraw (implicit) public guarantees and ensure bondholder liability for future losses must build on more rapid progress toward stronger bank balance sheets, ensuring medium -term fiscal sustainability and addressing excessive debt burdens in the private sector.
For policymakers in emerging market economies, the task is to limit overheating and a buildup of vulnerabilities- to avoid “cleaning” later. Emerging market economies have continued to benefit from strong growth relative to that in advanced economies, accompanied by increasing portfolio capital inflows. This is putting pressure on some financial markets, contributing to higher leverage, potential asset price bubbles, and inflationary pressures. Policymakers will have to pay increasing attention to containing the buildup of macro-financial risks to avoid future problems that could inhibit their growth and damage financial stability. In a number of cases, this will entail a tighter macroeconomic policy stance, and, when needed, the use of macro-prudential tools to ensure financial stability. Increasing the financial sector’s capacity to absorb higher flows through efforts to broaden and deepen local capital markets will also help.
Section Two: Translate the following Chinese passage into English. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (60 points).中意两国都是拥有悠久历史和灿烂文化的文明 古国。2000 多年前,古罗马 正处于文明鼎盛时期,中华文明也达到了历史的巅峰,一条“丝绸之路”将两大文 明联结在一起。威尼斯商人马可?波罗、利玛窦、郎世宁等为中西文化交流作出 贡献的意大利人,更为中国人民所熟知。
过 去意大利 援 助过中 国 , 现在 意大利希望中 国企业家去那 里 投 资。 2 0 年 前 单 向的“丝绸之路”己不能适应现在中国发展的形势,我们需要再开放第二条“丝 绸之路” 。为此,意大利驻华大使馆做了许多工作,通过简化签证等程序,方便更多 中国人去意大利投资、旅游。 就个人爱好而言,骑自行车去月坛的邮票市场搜集邮票是我的最爱。我还喜 欢中国的京剧,乐于搜集中国古老的服装及京剧服饰。我的夫人也喜欢中国的生 活,认为这里很适合她。我和夫人了解中国。但我认为大多数两方人包括意大利 人对中国认识不够。如果现在把北京三里屯或上海浦东照片带回意大利,没人相 信这就是中国。 中国的城市化也己进入快速发展期。我去过中国的部分城市,如桂林、苏州、 杭州、西安、上海、天津,这些城市建设发展得都很好。桂林是世界著名的旅游 胜地和历史文化名城,桂林山水是典型的喀斯特地形,且别具一格,我真正感受到 了“桂林山水甲天下”的美景。 “上有天堂,下有苏杭” ,苏州和杭州之行也给我 留下了深刻的印象。
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