
QQ.com QQ.com/2006-09-24


I. Requirements


Title: Making Friends

Outline: 1. The need for friends

2. True friendship

3. My principle in making friends

The former paragraph has shown my principle in making friends in some way. Furthermore, what I want to say is that one good friend is enough.

When I choose friends, I do not care what work they do or which social background they are from, but I do notice those little things which reveal one's characters. I would make sure that we really care for each other, so that no matter how much time goes by without seeing each other, I know my friends will always be there, ready to help if I need them. And I know we are true friends indeed.


As the proverb goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed. We hope to have friends, but not fair-weather ones. A true friend should be one that can be trusted even when we are in trouble. The value of true friendship presents itself only when it is tempered by hardship.

Title: Bicycles----An Important Transportation Means in China

Outline: 1. Why bicycles are popular in China

2. Bicycles and cars

3. Future of bicycles in China

The bicycle will be remained for a long time in China but in the end it will be disappeared with the improval of people's living level.

(Sports and games are good for our health)

…we can see the flowers and grass and enjoy ourselves. Our brain gets trained in the course of the sports and games. So we are healthy.


Have you a bike? Taking a bike is a good way, most people think. But in university it seems not as good as other places. Bikes are possible to be stolen now and then. Having a bike isn't always good enough for us to buy one…

It is very convenient to use bikes in China. Bikes don't need fuel, nor a garage or a large parking lot. Bikes can go through narrow streets and their prices are low. So bikes are the most popular vehicles in China today.


Title: Good Health

Outline: 1. Importance of good health

2. Ways to keep fit

3. My own practice

I don't eat meat much. Every morning I take the long run and in my spare time I like playing tennis and volleyball. In this way I keep good health and lead a happy life.

As for me, I enjoy good health as I keep a simple diet with more vegetables, fruit and less meat. Moreover I do some exercises whenever I have time such as long distance running, playing tennis or volleyball. As a result, I have been a top student all through the four years in the university. So good health is important to everyone.


1. Part-time job provide better chance for college student to practice.

2. In recent years, in the market, fake commodities have discovered more and more.

3. Most of people have nothing to do but to idle all the day will probably break law.

4. Language has and always will be a useful subject in a college curriculum.

5. Some time I want to find a partner to play chess.

6. I am disinterested at the material you have interest.

7. Why there are so many respectable, middle-class citizens saw murder didn’t help the woman or call the police?

8. There're quite a few of you seem not familiar to this idiom.

9. Advertisements are so many that it provide us many informations.

10. Somebody think that the activities are so many that your time seems not adequate.

11. The Philips ask me the other day if I go to there with her in my will since we began to cooperate last year.

12. Rude language is now so common that it is an accepted bahavior.

13. I think the crime will be more and more.

14. I think the reasons why the neighbors didn’t come out to save the girl were a lot.

15. Some people think boys’ performance on tests is always better than girls.

16. Each cigarette which a person smokes does some harm, and eventually you may get a serious disease from its effect.

17. The industrial trend is in the direction of more machines and less people.

18. The other thing equal, these who excel with oral expressions are much likely successful than average person.

II. Types Required


Title: Friendship

Outline: 1. Friendship is essential for the existence of society.

2. In the widest sense, all people, as social beings, are friends.

3. As the proverb goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Title: What Would Happen If There Were No Power

Outline: 1. Ever since early this century, electricity has become an essential part of our modern life.

2. If there were no electric power, ________.

3. Therefore, ________.

Title: Is Failure A Bad Thing?


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