想要写好英语作文 2020考研英语基础阶段必备句型

本站小编 免费考研网/2019-05-26

  1) 如果他要干的话,那也好。If he will do it, well and good.

  2) 如果传闻是真的,那该怎么办?What if the rumor is true?

  3) 我会告诉你事情的真相的。I will tell you what’s what.

  4) 除非太阳从西边出来,他才会同意。He will agree when three Sundays come in a week.

  5) 你的回答不切题。You answer is wide of the cushion.

  6) 他全心全意地为人民服务。He serves the people with all his heart and soul.

  7) 我已平安脱险。I got off with a whole skin.

  8) 我热心本职工作。I did my work with a will.

  9) 他们凯旋归来。They returned with flying colors.

  10) 你必须量入为出地过日子。You must try to live within your means.

  11) 他拼命敲门。He knocked the door with might and main.

  12) 他目瞪口呆地看着我。He looked at me with mouth wide open.

  13) 他傻里傻气地站在那里。He stood there with his finger in his mouth.

  14) 我亲眼看见了他。I saw him with my own eyes.

  15) 不要对我油嘴滑舌。Don’t speak to me with your tongue in your cheek.

  16) 他们一致同意他的意见。They agreed upon his proposal with one voice.

  17) 这个会议是公开举行的。The meeting was held with open doors.

  18) 他总是衣着整洁地去上班。He always goes to work without a speck on his clothes.

  19) 请立即答复。Please answer without delay.

  20) 你务必在下周一以前把款付清。You will pay the money without fail by next Monday.

  21) 不管下雨还是下雪他会都来。He will come without reference to raining or snowing.

  22) 他做事不顾别人的意愿。He acts without regard to the wishes of others.

  23) 请毫无保留地把你的想法告诉我。Please tell me what you think without reserve.

  24) 我无缘无故地被批了一顿。I was criticized without rhyme or reason.

  25) 她乐于做这件事。She did it with pleasure.

  26) 关于前途,你有什么打算。With regard to your future, what intentions do you have?

  27) 关于这件事,他什么也没有说。With respect to it, he said nothing.

  28) 为了完成任务,我拼命赶时间。I work against time in order to fulfill the task.

  29) 他靠勤工俭学读完了大学。He worked his way through university.

  30) 我们必须拟订一个教学大纲。We should work out a teaching outline.

  31) 不值一试。It is not worth while making a trial.

  32) 他是一位名副其实的作家。He is a writer worthy of the name.

  33) 要是能像你那样年轻就好了。Would that I were as young as you again.

  34) 我必须写完日记再走。I should write up my diary before going.

  35) 他的诺言是靠不住的。His promises are written in water.

  36) 你把运动衫里外穿反了。You are wearing your sweater wrong side out.

  37) 她一年到头生病生个没完。She is sick year in and year out.

  38) 你看上去面色土黄。You look yellow about the gills.

  39) 你放心好了,我会及格的。You may rest assured that I will pass the exam.

  40) 他能成功吗,谁也无法预料。Can he succeed? You never can tell.

  41) 他总算一鸣惊人了。He zipped across the horizon at last.

  42) 她长得年轻。She is young for her age.

  43) 汽笛声让我毛骨悚然The siren sent shivers down my spine.

  44) 他有一双识人观物的慧眼He had an unusually good eye both for things and people.

  45) 我满怀激动,把事情告诉了母亲。Choking with excitement, I told the story to mother.

  46) 十之八九我们能赢。The chances are ten to one that we will win.

  47) 现在他没有心情来处理这些事情。He is in no mood for these matters.

  48) 小镇人满为患。The town was filled to overflowing.

  49) 为了达到这个目的,你必须努力。To this end, you should work hard.

  50) 这样一来,就没有必要再做一遍了。As such, there's no need to do it again.


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