

3. 规定情景式作文:

Directions: Migrant workers (外地民工) have made a great contribution to the prosperity of cities. In this part, you are to write an essay of 200 words entitled "The Role of Migrant Workers". You can agree and/or disagree, completely or partially to above statement. But no matter which position you take, you should give sound supporting reasons.

    As is known to all, migrant workers have made a great contribution to the prosperity of cities. They are an indispensable part of our work force. Most of them work on construction sites. There is no doubt that without migrant workers many of the construction projects would have to be held up for lack of manpower. In addition, a large number of migrant workers are a beneficial factor, which enhances the consumption of food and daily items. This in turn helps to develop food industry and service trades in cities. All these are positive aspects of migrant workers in cities.

    However, as a popular saying goes, “Everything has two sides”. The same is the case with migrant workers. Firstly, most of them are not well educated and professionally trained. Some of them have had very little schooling. As you know, illiterate people, who are usually ignorant of the law, tend to disturb the peace, endangering social order. Secondly, most of the migrant workers swarm into big cities just to make money. Being illiterate or unskilled, some of them would stop at nothing to get what they are ambitious for. Therefore, they are a potential threat to the peace and stability of society.

    In my opinion, in the appraisal of migrant workers, it is one-sided to affirm everything or to negate everything. We should appreciate the great contribution made by them, and at the same time pay enough attention to the problems caused by them.   (244 words)

注:disturb the peace 扰乱治安。would stop at nothing to do sth. 不择手段做某事。

II. The structure of a paragraph and its development:

1. Structure of a paragraph: topic sentence, developing sentences and concluding sentence.

2. Ways of developing a paragraph:

     1) Comparison and contrast (对比法)
     2) Cause and effect (因果法)
     3) Exemplification (举例法)
     4) Generalization and qualification (概述法)
     5) Argument (议论法)

III. Some sentence patterns commonly-used in controlled writing :


    1. As can be clearly seen from the picture, ….  从这张画中可以清楚地看到,…


    As can be clearly seen from the picture, with the increase in cultural exchange among countries, an increasing number of foreigners are eager to visit China.

    2. As is shown above,…  正如上面所示,…


    As is shown above, there are two cartoons presenting two quite different situations. One depicts people who are working hard, while the other implies that laziness results in failure.

    3. What a vivid picture it is! It tells us that… 这是一幅多么生动形象的画啊!它告诉我们…

    译:这是一幅多么生动的画啊!它告诉我们,爱就像一盏在黑暗中的油灯, 它照亮了人们的心灵。

    What a vivid picture it is! It tells us that love is just like an oil lamp in the dark, which lightens people’s hearts.

    4. According to the statistics given in the table, …  根据表中所给的统计数字,…


    According to the statistics given in the table, the number of tourists has grown greatly, ____________80,000,000 people in 2002.
    5. This chart shows that …  这张示意图表明,…


    This chart shows that the number of smokers continues to climb (=rise), _________________ 20 % of the total population.

    6. It is indicated by the graph that …  这张曲线图表示,…


    It is indicated by the graph that the extinction of some species of wild animals ___________________________ the sharp increase of the world’s population. 

    7. It can be seen from the statistics (or picture) that …  从这些统计数字(或这张图画)中可以看到,…

    译:从这些统计数字(或这张图画)中可以看到,随着城市中汽车数量的不断增加,空气污染和噪音已经成为威胁城市居民生存的主要公害(public hazards)。

    It can be seen from the statistics (or picture) that with the rapid increase in the number of cars, air pollution and noise have become the main public hazards threatening the survival of city residents.

    8. It is generally believed (或accepted, thought, held) that …  人们普遍认为,…


    It is generally believed that the governments of all countries should ______________________________ to protect forest resources.  


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