

IV. Writing

Directions: Your best friend Tom is going to Vancouver on business. Write a letter to your Canadian friend Henry to:

1) introduce your friend to this Canadian friend,
2) state your friend’s interests,
3) contact your friend if possible.

Letter of Introduction

Dear Henry,

    My best friend Tom will be in Vancouver on business the week of April 10. He is director of marketing for a large carton manufacturer. 我认为,如果日程安排允许的话,你们会很高兴见面的。

    I told Tom you are doing research for a textbook on the use of graphics designs in advertising. 汤姆对你研究的项目很感兴趣而且想知道它怎样用于包装盒,which his company makes and prints.

    If you have the time, give him a call at 241-0310, Room 601. 我告诉他你可能那一周抽不出空,所以如果没有你的消息他也会理解的。

Yours sincerely,

 Li Ming

作业:1. 认真复习本单元内容。 2. 从四个搭配的角度分析本单元完形填空练习。  3. 认真翻译“考古学”全文。

赠言:工作虽苦,贫穷更苦。(It may be hard to work, but it must be harder to want.)


    经济萧条造成了多麽大的影响啊!雇主们回到了司机的座位自己开车,想改行的人必须 重新学会游戏规则。作为一个经理代理人,我负责高级管理人员的职业安排,其中不少人从事的是技术行业,对于他们在职业上遇到的最艰难的挑战,我通常了如指掌。在我看来,求职者应该遵循以下几条新规则。

    1. 十友规则:所有用人单位的管理人员都至少有10个失业朋友。 他们一般首先招请通讯录中的朋友来填补高级职位的空缺。因此, 建立和维持你的职业关系网十分重要—这就是你需要的提醒。 让自己的名字列入尽可能多的“十友名单”中。

    2. 什麽洞打什麽桩:回顾过去那个人才匮乏的时代,公司为填补空缺的职位,往往雇佣一些几乎没有相关工作经验的职员。他们没有太多选择;只能祈求好运降临,盼望这样的人尽快熟悉并做好这份工作。

    现在,用人单位的人事主管可以从工作经验与空缺职位完全相符的求职人员中挑选员工。 现在不是改行的好时机。

    3. 让人需要你比让人雇佣你更容易:有一句昔日的格言说得好:“先把你的脚跨进门内。”不过,即使想那样做,现在也不容易。因为公司在雇用员工之前完全有条件对求职者进行仔细考察。有一个解决办法, 就是先和公司提供低风险、高回报的交易等。我的一个客户就与其公司达成一项为公司提供咨询服务的协议,并与公司共同承担风险,如果他能成功,他就会得到一份永久的工作。他的这种安排果然奏效了。提供咨询服务曾被认为是公司管理人员在人才市场上不得已的最后选择, 现在却成为求职的一种有效手段。

    4. 学会自我欣赏:一位客户在求职面试时颇为沮丧,因为坐在对面负责面试的主管竟然是他以前的下属。其实,这样的事情屡见不鲜。 毕竟,在网络行业繁荣的时期,随着不少企业家型人才外流,那些留守员工往往加官进职—─很大程度上就是因为他们留下来没有跳槽。像乌龟和兔子赛跑一样,乌龟艰难地爬向终点却乐观自信。 在求职市场, 要摒弃傲慢,不要目中无人; 不要搞小动作。要摆正自己的位置; 至于你从前的下属, 你以后可以采取回避的方式对待, 不过要重新参与竞争,你必须首先回到队伍中。

    贵在坚持:假如你失业了, 找人帮你仔细分析原因。对你的技能和经验进行评估, 积极推销自己, 设法找到适合自己的比较满意的工作—─即使薪水有所减少、职务有所降低也没关系。无论你有没有工作, 最重要的求职规则是完全一样的:要聪明机敏和坚持不懈地打造长久的合作伙伴关系, 恪守不屈不挠的职业道德。 不要坐等天上掉馅饼; 要自己去创造就业机会。

阅读欣赏  经济英语

Black Economic Development in Atlanta

    Since the early 1970s, Atlanta has enjoyed the reputation as a mecca for black economic development. Perhaps the most significant boost to this image came when the city elected its first black Mayor, Maynard Jackson, who served two terms from 1974 to 1981, ushered in 18 years of black political leadership at city hall and helped create an environment in which the number of black-owned companies tripled, from 3961 in 1977 to 11804 firms today. Atlanta now ranks sixth among U.S. cities in the number of black-owned businesses.

    In 1982, Jackson was succeeded by Andrew Young, who became the city’s second elected two-term black mayor. During the Young administration, Atlanta’s minority participation goal was increased to 35 percent on all city contracts. By this time, the city’s Minority and Female Business Enterprise (MFBE) program was a model for the nation – not only because it created greater access to public work, but because it paved the way for Atlanta’s minority-owned firms to do business in the private sector as well.

    Between 1973 and 1988, the city of Atlanta awarded almost 1600 contracts to 612 minority-owned firms. The average value of those contracts was more than $300,000. During the same period, minority firms received 38 percent of the $283 million in joint-venture contracts awarded by the city.

    “Fair government created an environment for success for all people, ” says Herman J. Russell, chairman and CEO of H.J. Russell & Co. “I was ready to take advantage of opportunities when the doors opened. That’s the key.” Russell, who started his construction empire in 1952, won $75.2 million in contracts through the city’s MFBE program between 1980 and 1990. In 1972, the company grossed $6 million; in 1991, it posted sales of $143.6 million.

Notes: mecca原为Mecca伊斯兰教圣地麦加,此处指“向往的地方”。 usher in 迎来。gross v. 总收入。post v. 公布。


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