

阅读欣赏 时尚英语 精品译文

    Blooming Beauty  If you’re looking to see Japan at its picturesque best, then make sure to catch the annual plum blossom viewing festival, or hanami. This year, the plum blossom is expected to sweep across the country starting with the southern island of Kyushu in early February, reaching Tokyo by mid-March.

    The traditional cultural center of Kyoto, a short train ride from the bustling metropolis of Osaka, is possibly one of the best places to enjoy plum blossoms, with its multitude of temples and ancient streets. Office workers and families take to the parks and gardens, fiercely defending precious spaces beneath the trees, where they sit, drink, and sing their way through the first warm evenings of the year.

    樱花盛开的美丽   如果您想领略日本如画的景致,一定要赶上今年的樱花观赏节(或称为hanami)。樱花开的花期从南部九州岛的二月初到东京的三月中旬,在全国竞相绽放。



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