

Important: This test lasts for three hours. All your answers must be written on a separate sheet called "Answer Sheet". Do not write anything in this test booklet.

Part I (20')
In this part you are asked to complete each of the 20 sentences with one out of the four words marked A, B, C, and D that follow each sentence. The Word you choose must fit into the sentence both in form and meaning. For every correct choice, you will get one point

1. I object to you speaking of 'learning French as a second language' in Canada; French is as__ a first language as English.
A. far B. well C. much D. good
2. For this situation, learning and using English for wider communication __ a country, particularly for educational, commercial, and political purposes, English can be referred to as an international language.
A. outside B. within C. with D. of 来源:考

3. It reveals itself in the assumptions underlying __ , in the planning of a course of study, in the routines of the classroom, in value judgments about language teaching, and in the decisions that the language teacher has to make day by day.
A. learning B. teaching C. theory D. practice

4. The debate on language teaching methods continued into the period between the two world wars, a period which from the point of view of language pedagogy is characterized by the search for realistic solutions to the method __.
A. controversy B. problems C. issues D- crises
5. This conviction led to various experiments, all designed to __ the traditional teacher-centred language class.
A. change B. convert C. modify D. verify

6. The communicative approach, understood in this comprehensive way, has had a _ _ on second language curriculum, on teaching methodology and materials, and also on evaluation.
A. effect B. mark C. bearing D. weight

7. By virtue of their iconicity and their obvious formal aspects, poems are ideally suited to have learners experience early on the two main features of _ experience: distance and relation.
A. literary B. social C. aesthetic D. dialectic
8. Furthermore, being able to recite it from memory enables the teacher to keep eye contact with the students, to anticipate their misunderstandings and respond to their facial
A. responses B. expressions C. performance D. inquiries

9. As translators move from word to word and from sentence to sentence through the text they produce bit by bit
of the original in a different language.
A. replicas B. versions C. relics D. sediments
10. Besides exploring different levels of the same text and different languages ways of expressing the same event, intermediate and advanced learners can profit from the same event into different literary forms.
A. reproducing B. imitating C. expressing D. recasting

11. It has often been suggested that we lack an adequate analysis of the concept of analyticity and consequently that we lack adequate criteria for deciding whether a statement is . .
A. adequate B. realistic C. efficient D. analytic
12. The tacit ideology which seems to lie behind these objections is that non-extensional explications are not explications at all and that any concept which is net extensionally is defective.
A. ideological B. explicable C. explicit D. objectional

13. The reason for concentrating on the study of speech acts is simply this: all linguistic communication involves linguistic .
A. devices B. meanings C. forms D. acts

14. This is because in certain institutional situations we not only ascertain the facts but we need an authority to lay down a decision as to what the after the fact-finding procedure has been gone through.
A. situations B. assertions C. facts D. reasons
15. The simplest cases of meaning are those in which the speaker utters a sentence and means exactly and what he says.
A. verbally B. definitely C simply D. literally

16. And since meaning consists in part in the intention to produce understanding in the hearer a large part of that problem is that of how it is possible for the hearer to understand the indirect speech act when the sentence he hears and understands means something .
A. true B. else C false D. indirect

17. We ail believe that it is the faculty of language which has enabled the human race to develop diverse cultures, each with its social customs, religious observances, laws, oral traditions, patterns of trading, and so on.
A. diverse B. distinctive C. multiple D. varied
18. In general, too, rhythmic and features of speech are ignored in transcriptions; the rhythmic structure which appears to bind some groups of words more closely than others, and die speeding up and slowing down of the overall pace of speech relative to the speaker's normal pace in a given situation, are such complex variables that we have very little idea how they are exploited and to what effect.
A. metrical B. mobile C. acoustic D. temporal
19. It seems reasonable to suggest that, whereas in daily life in a literate culture, we use largely for the establishment and maintenance of human relationships, we use written language largely for the working out of and transference of information,
A. words B. speech C. sounds D. sentences

20. The higher level of achievement is a contribution to the of the text: the linguistic analysis may enable one to say why the text is, or is not, an effective text for its own purposes in what respects it succeeds and in what respects it fails, or is less successful.
A. analysis B. reading C evaluation D. interpretation


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