

Passage 5
Once the presence of these characteristics has been recognized, most discussions of globalization move directly to comparative cultural -questions. Anthropologists, economists, ecologists, and political scientists all become cultural comparatists, weighing cultural differences against what is generally considered to be the inevitable function of globalization: the leveling of cultural difference. This comparative quotient runs inexorably, it seems, through discussions of globalization, and it should interest us as a profession, since our own most basic disciplinary methods are, of course, designed to recognize and interpret difference. I dunk of my own work in comparative American cultures, for example, as moving along spectrum between assumptions of basic cultural difference on the one hand and literary examples of shared attitudes and expressive structures on the other. I took for common contexts in order to ground my comparisons, but it is the differences that will matter most to my analysis. So, a mirror image begins to emerge, whereas the literary comparatist may be said to value significant differences and to study literature for what we may learn from those differences, me processes of globalization would seem to work in ways that are something like the reverse —toward a leveling of significant difference in favor of insignificant sameness. But this comparison, too, will need to be complicated, for homogeneity and heterogeneity are not necessarily antithetical, and in 'fact may operate in dialectical relationship. Consider, for example, my third characteristic of globalization—unprecedented levels of immigration —a circumstance mat suggests the following paradox: the processes of globalization may homogenize tastes and habits by means of new information technologies and global markets, but at the same time they may also generate configurations of striking difference, as immigrants occupy new cultural and linguistic spaces. Nowhere is this more true than in the U. S., where we are experiencing the greatest migratory influx of our history. Certain regions of the country are more illustrative of this than others, of course, but let me say simply that my classes at the University of Houston are far more diverse culturally, linguistically, and ethnically than they were ten years ago —a comparative cultural opportunity that I feel, frankly, I have not yet fully engaged in my own teaching and that our curricular and departmental structures have not yet fully responded to, either.
65. The author implies that the inevitable function of globalization is .
A. maintenance of differences
B. reduction of differences
C. promotion of cooperation
D. exaltation of competition来源:考

66. According to the passage, the main objective of comparison is to .
A. identify common features B. encourage competition
C. recognize differences D. both A and C
67. The profession of the author of this passage is most likely that of a .
A. comparatist B. anthropologist
C. ecologist D. political scientist
68. The word "paradox" in line 19 probably means .
A. contradiction B. identification
C. supplementation D. seemingly contradictory

69. Immigration brings__ ¬¬to the destination country.
A. wealth B. diversity C. disorder D. disagreement

70. What relates globalization to cultural comparison is the fact that _.
A. globalization generates more discussions 来源:考
B. globalization arouses more disputes over cultural matters
C. globalization both homogenize and heterogenize
D. the author is equally interested in both


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