本站小编 免费考研网/2018-11-25
historian [hɪˈstɔːriən]
【例】[n] 历史学家
[2008年阅读 Text 4] But recently, many historians have begun to focus on the role slavery played in the lives of the founding generation.
词频 ★★★☆☆
inherit [ɪnˈherɪt]
【例】[v] 经遗传获得(特征、特质等)
[2009年阅读 Text 2] Yet most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage, either the Y chromosome inherited through men in a father's line or mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down only from mothers.
inherent [ɪnˈherənt] adj.固有的;内在的;生来就有的
【例】[adj] 内在的
[2009年阅读 Text 2] Ryan's comments suggest that the practice of standard testing ________.
[A] prevents new habits form being formed
[B] no longer emphasizes commonness
[C] maintains the inherent American thinking model
[D] complies with the American belief system
[A] 阻碍了新习惯的形成
[B] 不再强调平庸
[C] 保持了美国人内在的思维方式
[D] 与美国的信仰体系一致
词频 ★★★☆☆
privilege [ˈprɪvəlɪdʒ]
【例】[n] 特权
[2013年阅读 Text 4] The only major objection came from Justice Antonin Scalia, who offered an even more robust defense of state privileges going back to the Alien and Sedition Acts.
privileged [ˈprɪvəlɪdʒd] adj.享有特权的;特殊的
【例】[adj] 享有特权的
[2013年阅读 Text 4] On the overturned provisions the majority held the congress had deliberately “occupied the field” and Arizona had thus intruded on the federal's privileged powers.
词频 ★★★☆☆
purchase [ˈpɜː(r)tʃəs]
【例】[v] 买,购买
[2009年阅读 Text 2] More than 60,000 people have purchased the PTKs since they first become available without prescriptions last year, according to Doug Fog, chief operating officer of Identigene, which makes the over-the-counter kits.
词频 ★★★☆☆
random [ˈrændəm]
【例】[adj] 随意的
[2011年阅读 Text 3] According to Paragraph 2, sold media feature _____.
[A] a safe business environment
[B] random competition
[C] strong user traffic
[D] flexibility in organization
[A] 安全的商业环境
[B] 自由竞争
[C] 强大的用户流量
[D] 组织灵活
词频 ★★★☆☆
description [dɪˈskrɪpʃ(ə)n]
【例】[n] 描述;形容
[2011年阅读 Text 1] As a description of the next music director of an orchestra that has hitherto been led by musicians like Gustav Mahler and Pierre Boulez, that seems likely to have struck at least some Times readers as faint praise.
describe [dɪˈskraɪb] v.描述;记述;形容;作图
【例】[v] 描述
[2013年阅读 Text 1] This top-down conception of the fashion business couldn't be more out of date or at odds with the feverish world be described in Overdressed, Elizabeth Cline's three-year indictment of “fast fashion”.
【同】definition [ˌdefəˈnɪʃ(ə)n] n.定义;规定;明确
picture [ˈpɪktʃə(r)] n.描述;描绘;写照
词频 ★★★☆☆
admit [ədˈmɪt]
【例】[v] 承认
[2011年阅读 Text 4] In a society that so persistently celebrates procreation, is it any wonder that admitting you regret having children is equivalent to admitting you support kitten-killing?
admission [ədˈmɪʃ(ə)n] n.承认;入场费;进入许可;坦白
【例】[n] 进入许可
[2013年完型] The scores were then used in conjunction with an applicant's score on the Graduate Management Admission Test, or GMAT, a standardised exam which is marked out of 800 points, to make a decision on whether to accept him or her.
【例】[n] 进入许可
[2013年完型] He studied the results of 9,323 MBA interviews, conducted by 31 admissions officers.
词频 ★★★☆☆
adopt [əˈdɒpt]
adoptive [əˈdɒptɪv] adj.收养的;有收养关系的
【例】[adj] 收养的
[2011年阅读 Text 4] There are also stories about newly adoptive—and newly single—mom Sandra Bullock, as well as the usual “Jennifer Aniston is pregnant” news.
词频 ★★★☆☆
crucial [ˈkruːʃ(ə)l]
【例】[adj] 至关重要的
[2014年阅读 Text 1] Worse, the crucial income to feed yourself and your family and pay the bills has disappeared.
【同】essential [ɪˈsenʃ(ə)l] adj.绝对必要的;至关重要的;基本的;本质的;根本的
essential [ɪˈsenʃ(ə)l] n.必需品;不可或缺之物
【例】[adj] 至关重要的
[2007年阅读 Text 4] FTC's decision is essential to data security.
key [kiː] adj.关键的;主要的
significant [sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt] adj.重要的;有意义的
decisive [dɪˈsaɪsɪv] adj.决定性的
【近】overriding [ˌəʊvəˈraɪdɪŋ] adj.最重要的;高于一切的
词频 ★★★☆
quote [kwəʊt]
【例】[v] 引用
[2012年阅读 Text 3] Paragraph 3 shows that a discovery claim becomes credible after it ______.
[A] has attracted the attention of the general public
[B] has been examined by the scientific community
[C] has received recognition from editors and reviewers
[D] has been frequently quoted by peer scientists
[A] 吸引了公众的注意力
[B] 得到科学界的检验
[C] 得到编辑和评论家的认可
[D] 被同行科学家频繁引用
quotation [kwəʊˈteɪʃ(ə)n] n.引用;引证
【近】cite [saɪt] v.引用;考证
restore [rɪˈstɔː(r)]
【例】[v] 恢复;使复原
[2007年阅读 Text 4] Surely it should be obvious to the dimmest executive that trust, that most valuable of economic assets, is easily destroyed and hugely expensive to restore—and that few things are more likely to destroy trust than a company letting sensitive personal data get into the wrong hands.
restoration [ˌrestəˈreɪʃ(ə)n] n.恢复;复位;归还
【例】[n] 恢复
[2007年阅读 Text 4] According to Paragraph 4, what puzzles the author is that some bosses fail to ________.
[A] see the link between trust and data protection
[B] perceive the sensitivity of personal data
[C] realize the high cost of data restoration
[D] appreciate the economic value of trust
[A] 看到信任与数据保护之间的关联
[B] 意识到私人数据的敏感性
[C] 意识到数据修复的高额花销
[D] 领会到信任的经济价值
【同】revive [rɪˈvaɪv] v.(使)复苏;(使)恢复;(使)再次流行;重新上演
【例】[v] (使)复苏
[2010年阅读 Text 4] And, unless banks carry toxic assets at prices that attract buyers, reviving the banking system will be difficult.
recover [rɪˈkʌvə(r)] v.恢复;重新获得
resume [rɪˈzjuːm] v.重新取得;恢复(职位)
enable [ɪnˈeɪb(ə)]
【同】empower [ɪmˈpaʊə(r)] v.使能够;准许
permit [pə(r)ˈmɪt] v.许可;准许
endeavor [ɪnˈdevə(r)]
【例】[n] (尤指新的或创造性事物的)努力;尝试
[2008年阅读 Text 2] But it goes further than that.It signals a change in what has, until now, been a key element of scientific endeavor.
【词组】strive for:奋斗;争取
essay v.尝试;试验
external [ɪkˈstɜː(r)n(ə)l]
【例】[adj] 外部的
[2011年翻译] Achievement happens because you as a person embody the external achievement; you don't “get” success but become it.There is no gap between mind and matter.
【例】[adj] 外部的;外面的
[2013年完型] At first glance this might seem like a strength that grant the ability to make judgments which are unbiased by external factors.
【反】internal [ɪnˈtɜː(r)n(ə)l] adj.国内的;内部的
agenda [əˈdʒendə]
【例】[n] 议题
[2012年阅读新题型] First, most people do not realise that there are strong commercial agendas at work to keep them in passive consumption mode.
【词组】flexible schedule:弹性工作时间表
【同】schedule [ˈʃedjuːl] n.时刻表;进度表;预计;计划;目录
cell [sel]
【例】[n] 细胞
[2009年阅读 Text 2] Most tests require collecting cells by webbing saliva in the mouth and sending it to the company for testing.All tests require a potential candidate with whom to compare DNA.
clue [kluː]
【例】[n] 线索
[2007年阅读新题型] Also, identify the kinds of interests they keep coming back to, as these offer clues to the careers that will fit them best.
词频 ★★★☆☆
context [ˈkɒntekst]
【例】[n] 背景;语境
[2009年阅读 Text 1] So it seems paradoxical to talk about habits in the same context as creativity and innovation.
【例】[n] 背景
[2012年阅读 Text 3] We aim to be objective, but we cannot escape the context of our unique life experience.
exert [ɪɡˈzɜː(r)t]
【例】[v] 施加(影响等)
[2012年阅读 Text 1] There's no doubt that our peer groups exert enormous influence on our behavior.
【词组】impose sth.on:对……施加……
option [ˈɒpʃ(ə)n]
【例】[n] (供)选择的事物(或人)
[2013年阅读 Text 2] In December 2010 America's Federal Trade Commission (FTC) proposed adding a “do not track” (DNT) option to internet browsers, so that users could tell advertisers that they did not want to be followed.
optional [ˈɒpʃ(ə)nəl] adj.可选择的;非强制的
opportunity [ˌɒpə(r)ˈtjuːnəti] n.机会;时机
【例】[n] 机会
[2011年阅读 Text 2] As the economy picks up, opportunities will abound for aspiring leaders.
exception [ɪkˈsepʃ(ə)n] n.例外;除外
【例】[n] 例外;除外
[2014年阅读 Text 2] All around the world, lawyers generate more hostility than the members of any other profession—with the possible exception of journalism.
permanent [ˈpɜː(r)mənənt]
【例】[adj] 永久的,持久的
[2011年阅读 Text 4] We learn from Paragraph 2 that ________.
[A] celebrity moms are a permanent source for gossip
[B] single mothers with babies deserve greater attention
[C] news about pregnant celebrities is entertaining
[D] having children is highly valued by the public
【译】根据第二段,我们可以得知 ______。
[A] 名人妈妈是个永恒的八卦来源
[B] 带孩子的单身母亲值得给予更多关注
[C] 名人怀孕的新闻是娱乐性的
[D] 公众非常赞成养育孩子
【例】[adj] 永久的,持久的
[2014年阅读 Text 1] But in Osborneland, your first instinct is to fall into dependency—permanent dependency if you can get it—supported by a state only too ready to indulge your falsehood.
【近】durable [ˈdjʊərəb(ə)l] adj.耐用的;持久的
【例】[adj] 持久的
[2008年阅读 Text 1] According to Paragraph 4, the stress women confront tends to be________.
[A] domestic and temporary
[B] irregular and violent
[C] durable and frequent
[D] trivial and random
[A] 发生在家庭内部的、暂时的
[B] 不规律的、暴力的
[C] 持久的、频繁的
[D] 琐碎的、偶然的
trait [treɪt]
【例】[n] 特征
[2007年阅读 Text 1] Their work makes a rather startling assertion: the trait we commonly call talent is highly overrated.
【同】attribute [əˈtrɪbjuːt] n.属性
feature [ˈfiːtʃə(r)] n.特征;特点
peculiarity [pɪˌkjuːliˈærəti] n.特性
cater [ˈkeɪtə(r)]
词频 ★★★★☆ wonder [wnd(r)] v.诧异;奇怪;纳闷;想知道 【例】[v] 想知道 [2009年完型] Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are. 【译】有关动物智力的研究总会让我想知道人类究竟有多聪明。 wonder n.惊奇;惊异;奇迹;奇事 【 ...英语资料 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-25(2019)恋练有词:考研英语词汇识记与应用大全1
目录 CONTENTS Preface 1 前言 Preface 2 前言 Chapter 1 高频词汇 Unit 01 Unit 01 测一测 Unit 02 Unit 02 测一测 Unit 03 Unit 03 测一测 Unit 04 Unit 04 测一测 Unit 05 Unit 05 测一测 Unit 06 Unit 06 测一测 Unit 07 Unit 07 测一测 Unit 08 Unit 08 测 ...英语资料 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-25新东方历年考研英语真题常考词汇大盘点
考研大纲词汇5500,还有一些超纲词,要过词汇这关不容易。新东方在线建议大家词汇背诵要分层次,高频重点词汇必须要谨记,低频次的也要能够了解认识。新东方在线特别整理了历年真题中出现的高频词汇,大家抓紧记: 历年考研英语真题常考词汇大盘点 历年考研英语真题常考词汇总结(1) ...英语词汇 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-10-28新东方500个考过20次以上的考研英语词汇整大盘点
考研英语背单词要贯穿始终,单词是会背了忘,忘了还得继续背,新东方在线建议考生要把单词分类记忆,高频重点单词要加深巩固,次要的单词注重理解。新东方在线下面你分享500个考过20次以上的考研英语词汇,大家看看自己掌握的如何了: 500个考过20次以上的考研英语词汇整理(一) ...英语词汇 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-10-282019年考研英语大纲5500词汇汇编(带下载)
1. a [ei] art.一(个);每一(个);(同类事物中)任一个 2. abandon [?'b?nd?n] vt.离弃,丢弃;遗弃,抛弃;放弃 3. abdomen [?b'd?umen] n.腹,下腹(胸部到腿部的部分) 4. abatement [?'beitm?nt] n.减(免)税,打折扣,冲销 5. abide [?'baid] vi.(abode,abided)(by)遵守;坚持;vt.忍受,容忍 6. ability ...英语资料 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-09-01新东方近五年考研英语真题中的高频词汇背诵
真题是考研复习最有价值的复习资料,很多考察过的知识点会再次考到,所以从真题中做总结,找重点很实用。新东方在线整理了近五年考研英语真题中的高频词汇,大家可以重点背一下: 近五年考研英语真题中的高频词汇背诵 1 近五年考研英语真题中的高频词汇背诵(1) ...英语词汇 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-08-28新东方历年考研英语阅读部分重点词汇整理
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考研英语复习,词汇基础要打好。对历年真题中出现的高频词汇短语大家要认真掌握背诵。新东方在线分享历年考研英语重点词汇整理之翻译部分,我们来看看大家要记好哪些词汇短语: 历年考研英语重点词汇整理(翻译部分1) 历年考研英语重点词汇整理(翻译部分2) ...英语词汇 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-08-28经济学人最常用的600个词汇整理(32)
《经济学人》是考研英语阅读题源文章出处之一,考生要复习阅读的时候要多关注一些阅读题源的发刊文,有一些不懂的词汇和常见词汇可以先巩固巩固。新东方在线下文分享经济学人最常用的600个词汇短语,我们一起来看看你都掌握了没:经济学人最常用的600个词汇整理(32) 621、Poverty 贫困 今天,美国政府将贫困线 ...英语阅读 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-08-05经济学人最常用的600个词汇整理(31)
《经济学人》是考研英语阅读题源文章出处之一,考生要复习阅读的时候要多关注一些阅读题源的发刊文,有一些不懂的词汇和常见词汇可以先巩固巩固。新东方在线下文分享经济学人最常用的600个词汇短语,我们一起来看看你都掌握了没:经济学人最常用的600个词汇整理(31) 601、Outputs 产出 用于消费或进一步加工生产 ...英语阅读 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-08-05经济学人最常用的600个词汇整理(30)
《经济学人》是考研英语阅读题源文章出处之一,考生要复习阅读的时候要多关注一些阅读题源的发刊文,有一些不懂的词汇和常见词汇可以先巩固巩固。新东方在线下文分享经济学人最常用的600个词汇短语,我们一起来看看你都掌握了没:经济学人最常用的600个词汇整理(30) 581、Net national product NNP国民生产净值 ...英语阅读 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-08-05经济学人最常用的600个词汇整理(29)
《经济学人》是考研英语阅读题源文章出处之一,考生要复习阅读的时候要多关注一些阅读题源的发刊文,有一些不懂的词汇和常见词汇可以先巩固巩固。新东方在线下文分享经济学人最常用的600个词汇短语,我们一起来看看你都掌握了没:经济学人最常用的600个词汇整理(29) 561、Monopoly 垄断 一种市场结构,在其中, ...英语阅读 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-08-05经济学人最常用的600个词汇整理(28)
《经济学人》是考研英语阅读题源文章出处之一,考生要复习阅读的时候要多关注一些阅读题源的发刊文,有一些不懂的词汇和常见词汇可以先巩固巩固。新东方在线下文分享经济学人最常用的600个词汇短语,我们一起来看看你都掌握了没:经济学人最常用的600个词汇整理(28) 541、Mixed economy 混合经济 非共产主义国家 ...英语阅读 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-08-05经济学人最常用的600个词汇整理(27)
《经济学人》是考研英语阅读题源文章出处之一,考生要复习阅读的时候要多关注一些阅读题源的发刊文,有一些不懂的词汇和常见词汇可以先巩固巩固。新东方在线下文分享经济学人最常用的600个词汇短语,我们一起来看看你都掌握了没:经济学人最常用的600个词汇整理(27) 521、Marginal propensity to save(MPS)边际储蓄 ...英语阅读 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-08-05经济学人最常用的600个词汇整理(26)
《经济学人》是考研英语阅读题源文章出处之一,考生要复习阅读的时候要多关注一些阅读题源的发刊文,有一些不懂的词汇和常见词汇可以先巩固巩固。新东方在线下文分享经济学人最常用的600个词汇短语,我们一起来看看你都掌握了没:经济学人最常用的600个词汇整理(26) 501、Legal tender 法定清偿物 按照法律规定 ...英语阅读 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-08-05