2023-2024年香港中文大学(深圳)人文社科学院翻译博士研究生课程于2022年10月10日开放申请。 The Mphil-Ph.D. in Translation Studies Programme at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen has open for application on October 10, 2022 for 2023 fall entry.
香港中文大学(深圳)人文社科学院开设翻译博士研究生课程,旨在培养具备开展翻译研究和理论创新的高层次翻译专业人才,更好地服务我国跨文化交流的需求和引领翻译人才的培养。依托香港中文大学(深圳)人文社科学院国际化的师资队伍和课程设置,本课程将为学生提供翻译理论与研究方法、翻译与教学研究、翻译与文化研究、翻译与传媒研究、翻译与认知研究、翻译与法律研究以及口译研究等多个基础理论和交叉学科的训练,培养学生批判性思维和科研创新能力,为翻译学科发展及人文社科领域的知识创新做出重大贡献。 The Mphil-Ph.D. in Translation Studies Programme aims to cultivate high-level innovative talents in the field of translation and interpreting. Outstanding master's degree graduates with a background in translation, linguistics, literature or other relevant humanities and social sciences fields are welcome to apply for the programme.
翻译博士研究生课程2023-2024学年计划招生人数为5人。 Intake Number: 5 (2023-2024 academic year). + + + + +
博士研究生课程规定的修读年限为4-7年; 博士研究生学费为人民币11.5万/年,香港中文大学(深圳)将为优秀申请人提供优厚的奖学金及教研津贴(以最终收到的录取信通知为准)。 The required study duration for Ph.D. is 4-7 years. The tuition fee for the Mphil-Ph.D. programme is RMB 115,000 per year. The Mphil-Ph.D. programme of CUHKSZ will offer scholarships and teaching & research allowances to outstanding applicants (please refer to the formal offer letter for final information). Prof. WANG Lidi Ph.D. Supervisor Chinese University of Hong Kong, Ph.D. Associate Dean of HSS Director of Translation Studies Programme Research Areas: Translation Studies, Linguistics and Cultural Studies Personal Website: https://myweb.cuhk.edu.cn/wanglidi### Prof. Douglas ROBINSON Ph.D. Supervisor University of Washington, Ph.D. Research Areas: Translation Studies, Comparative and World Literature, Literary Theory, Language Theory, Rhetorical Theory Personal Website: https://hss.cuhk.edu.cn/en/teacher/625 Prof. ZHU Chunshen Ph.D. Supervisor University of Nottingham, Ph.D. Research Areas: Translation Studies, Poetics, Applied Linguistics, Stylistics, Computer-Aided Translator Training Personal Website: https://myweb.cuhk.edu.cn/zhuchunshen### Prof. CHAN Ho Yan Clara Ph.D. Supervisor The University of Queensland, Ph.D. Research Areas: Translation Theory and Practice, Professional Translation, Language and Law, Translation Pedagogy Personal Website: https://myweb.cuhk.edu.cn/clarachan Prof. LI Lan Ph.D. Supervisor University of Exeter, Ph.D. Research Areas: Lexicology and Lexicography, Corpus Study, Metaphor Study, Neologisms, Language in Computer-mediated Communication, Professional Communication Personal Website: https://myweb.cuhk.edu.cn/lanli 01 申请要求 Entry Requirements 翻译博士申请者须符合以下条件: - 具有笔译、口译、语言学、比较文学,并具有笔译或口译实践经验,或其他相关方面社会科学背景的优秀硕士生,毕业于国内外重点院校的相关硕士专业; - 具有被国家教育部认可的大学硕士学位或学士学位,平均成绩达到B以上;或GPA达到3.0以上(满分4);对于按照百分制计算成绩的学校,要求成绩达到80%以上(含80%);或不低于乙等荣誉; - 具有相关工作经历(优先考虑); - 具有科研成果和发表过有影响力的学术论文(优先考虑); - 满足下列的英语语言能力要求(符合以下条件之一): 1. 完成以英文为授课语言的学位课程; 2. 在香港高级程度会考(AS-Level)或香港高等程度会考英语科目取得合格分数; 3. 获得香港中等文凭考试(HKDSE)英文科目取得4级或以上成绩; 4. 托福(网考不低于105分); 5. 雅思(学术类)(不低于7分); 6. GMAT(语文不低于21分); 7. 取得英语国家及地区颁发的专业资格或资格证明。 *最终解释权归人文社科学院所有。 报名费 人民币300 元(一经缴费,不设退费)。 For the Ph.D. programme, the applicant shall have: - Educational background in translation, interpretation, linguistics, comparative literature, with practical experience in translation or interpretation, or other relevant social science backgrounds. - A Master's degree from a recognized university; or graduated from a recognized university and obtained a Bachelor's degree, normally with honours not lower than Second Class; or graduated from an honours programme of a recognized university with a Bachelor's degree, normally achieving an average grade of not lower than “B”; or completed a course of study in a tertiary educational institution and obtained professional or similar qualifications equivalent to an honours degree. - Fulfillment of one of the following English language proficiency requirements: 1. At least 105 for TOEFL Internet-Based Test (iBT); 2. At least 7 for IELTS (Academic). - Relevant working experience (preferred). - Scientific research works and influential academic papers (preferred). Application Fee RMB 300 (no refund)
02 申请方式 Application 申请材料 1. 本科及硕士毕业证及学位证书副本。 2. 大学官方成绩单副本,需教务处或学院盖章,并列明全部曾修读之科目及考试成绩。 3. 英语水平证明(托福、雅思及其他成绩报告副本)。 4. 两封机密推荐书(在网申页面提供推荐人邮箱即可)。 5. 个人陈述(英文)。 6. 个人简历(英文)。 7. 研究计划书(英文)。 8. 论文作品(若有)。 9. 身份证正反面。 如有需要,或会要求申请人提交补充资料或证明文件。 注:请将第7项研究计划书(英文)上传至网申系统的补充资料-其他支持性文件一项。 Required Application Materials Please submit the following items (no. 1-8) to us. 1. Copies of Bachelor and Master Degree Certificates; 2. Official Transcripts from the University attended by applicants; 3. Documents showing the applicant has fulfilled the English Language Proficiency Requirement; 4. Confidential Recommendations from Two referees respectively; 5. Personal Statement; 6. CV; 7. Research Proposal; 8. Published Works (if any); 9. ID card. Note: Please upload No.7 Research Proposal to the ' Additional Relevant Information--Other supporting documents’section. 网上申请 网申地址:https://pgapply.cuhk.edu.cn/ 请将所有申请材料按要求上传。 Online Application Applicants need to submit all required materials via online application here : https://pgapply.cuhk.edu.cn/ 资格审查及录取方式 资格审查工作将于报名后展开,申请人的申请资料齐全后方可进入审核流程。学院将以邮件形式通知符合条件的申请人入学考试相关安排。 Admission Procedures The programme will notify eligible applicants of the further arrangements for the entrance exam by email.
03 申请时间 Application Deadline 第一轮 2022年10月10日9:00-2023年2月10日23:59 第二轮 2023年2月11日10:00-2023年4月20日23:59 First Round: 9:00, October 10th, 2022 to 23:59, February 10th, 2023 (GMT+8) Second Round: 10:00, February 11st, 2023 to 23:59, April 20th, 2023 (GMT+8) *最终解释权归人文社科学院所有。 *If you have any questions, pleaes contact us by using the contact information below.