复习内容《简明英语语言学教程》导学手册 程可拉主编(4)
本站小编 网络资源/2015-07-10
4. sequential rule D. It refers to the phonetic transcription with diacritics.
5. phonemic contrast E. It deals with the physical properties of the speech sounds.
6. suprasegmental features F. There are rules that govern the combination of sounds in a
particular language.
7. auditory phonetics G. A sound is aspirated when its production is accompanied by
a puff of breath.
8. Narrow transcription H. It is a standardized and internationally accepted system of
phonetic transcription.
9. Aspiration I. It studies the speech organ, and the way in which speech
sounds are produced.
10. assimilation rule J. It is the study of the perception of sounds by the human ear.
II. Explain each of the following terms in no more than 50 words:
1. phonetics 2. phonology 3. phone
4. phoneme 5. minimal pair 6. complementary distribution
7. allophone 8. Distinctive features 9. the difference between vowels and consonants
III. Develop each of the following topics into a 200-word essay:
1. How do a phone, a phoneme, and allophones differ from each other?
2. How do we classify the English consonants? And the vowels?
3. The similarity and difference between phonetics and phonology.
III Morphology 形态学
1. Morphology 形态学
It refers to the study of the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are formed.
2. Open Classes and Closed Classes 开放性词类和封闭性词类
Open classes are the classes to which we can regularly add new words; nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs belong to these classes which make up the largest part of vocabulary. The other syntactic categories are closed classes. The number of them is hardly alterable, if they are changeable at all.
3. Morphemes 词素
It refers to the minimal units of meaning.
a) Prefixes and suffixes 前缀和后缀
Morphemes which occur before other morphemes are called prefixes.
Morphemes which occur after other morphemes are called suffixes.
b) Bound morphemes and free morphemes 粘着语素
Morphemes which can be used on its own are called free morphemes.
Morphemes which is never used alone but must be used with other morphemes are called bound morphemes.
4. Derivational and inflectional morphemes 派生词素和屈折词素
a) Inflectional morphemes
Inflectional morphemes manifest various grammatical relations such as number, degree, and case. They are attached to words or morphemes, but they never change their syntactic categories.
b) Derivational morphemes
Derivational morphemes are affixes which are added to other morphemes (or words) to create a new word.
5. Morphological rules of word formation 词素音位规则
The ways words are formed are called morphological rules. These rules determine how morphemes combine to form words.
Some of the morphological rules can be used quite freely to form new words. We call them productive morphological rules.
6. Compounds 复合词
Compounding can be viewed as the combination of two or more words to create new words.
The following points are noteworthy:
a) When the two words are in the same grammatical category, the compound will be in this category.
b) In many cases, when two words fall into different categories, the class of the second word will be the grammatical category.
c) It is often the case that compounds have different stress patterns from the noncompounded word sequence.
d) The meaning of a compound is not always the sum of the meanings of its parts.
Morphological rules thus reveal the means for forming new words. It is these rules that enable us to coin new words. Compounding is then a very common and frequent process for enlarging the vocabulary.
I. Match each of the following terms in column A with one of the appropriate definitions in column B:
Column A Column B
1. morpheme A. Morphemes occur before other morphemes.
2. free morpheme B. The rules determine how morphemes combine to form words.
3. bound morpheme C. It refers to the minimal units of meaning
4. prefixes D. It refers to the morphological rules which can be used quite
freely to form new words.
5. Suffix E. Morphemes occur after other morphemes.
6. morphological rules F. It refers to the morpheme which is never used alone but must
be used with other morphemes.
7. productive morphological rules G. It refers to the morpheme which can be used on its own.
II. Explain Define the following terms
open and close classes morphology morphemes
free and bound morphemes prefixes and suffixes derivational morphemes
inflectional morphemes morphological rules productive morphological rules
III. Develop the following topic into a 200-word essay:
When we form compounds, what points are noteworthy?
IV. Syntax 句法
1. Syntax 句法
1.1 What is syntax? 什么是句法?
Syntax is the study of how sentences are constructed or in other words, it tries to state what words can be combined with others to form sentences and in what order.
1.2 Sentence 句子
Traditionally, scholars depended on the use of punctuation or a semantic criterion (the expression of a complete thought) to define it.
Bloomfield, a famous structural linguist, defined sentence as an independent linguistic form not included by some grammatical marks in any other linguistic form.
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