
本站小编 免费考研网/2015-12-18

Absolute advantage: The greater efficiency that one nation may have over another in the production of a commodity. This was the basis for trade for Adam Smith.
Absolute purchasing-power parity theory: Postulates that the equilibrium exchange rate is equal to the ratio of the price levels in the two nations. This version of the PPP theory can be very misleading. 绝对购买力平价理论:假设平衡汇率等于两国的价格水平之比,这一购买力平价理论的解释是不被接受的。
Ad valorem tariff: A tariff expressed as a fixed percentage of the value of a traded commodity.
Arbitrage: The purchase of a currency in the monetary center where it is cheaper for immediate resale in the monetary center where it is more expensive in order to make a profit.
Balance of payments: A summary statement of all the international transactions of the residents of a nation with the rest of the world during a particular period of time, usually a year.
Capital account: The change in U.S. assets abroad and foreign assets in the United States, other than official reserve assets. 资本项目:美国在国外资产,外国在美国资产,或其他官方储备资产的变化。 Capital inflow: An increase of foreign assets in the nation or a reduction in the nation’s assets abroad.
Capital-intensive commodity: The commodity with the higher capital-labor ratio at all relative factor prices.
资本密集型商品:在所有相对要素价格下均具有较高的资本/劳动比率的商品。 Capital outflow: A decrease of foreign assets in the nation or an increases the nation’s assets abroad.
Community indifference curve: The curve that shows the various
combinations of two commodities yielding equal satisfaction to the community or nation. Community indifference curves are negatively sloped, convex from the origin, and should not across.
Compound tariff: A combination of an ad valorem and a specific tariff.
Constant returns to scale: The condition under which output grows in the same proportion as factor inputs.
Consumer surplus: The difference between what consumers are willing to pay for a specific amount of a commodity and what they actually pay for it.
Currency swaps: A spot sale of a currency combined with a forward repurchase of the same currency.
Current account: The account that includes all sales and purchases of currently produced goods and services, income on foreign investments, and unilateral transfers.
Credit transactions: Transactions that involve the receipt of payments from foreigners. These include the export of goods and services, unilateral transfers from foreigners, and capital inflow.
Debit transactions: Transactions that involve payments to foreigners. These include the import of goods and services, unilateral transfers to foreigners, and capital outflows.
Deficit in the balance of payments: The excess of debits over credits in the current and capital accounts, or autonomous transactions, equal to the net credit balance in the official reserve account, or accommodating transactions.
Dumping: The export of a commodity at below cost or at a lower price than sold domestically.
Effective exchange rate: A weighted average of the exchange rates between the domestic currency and the nation’s most important trade partners, with weights given by the relative importance of the nation’s trade with each of these trade partners.
Equilibrium relative commodity price in isolation: The relative commodity price at which a nation is maximizing its welfare in isolation. It is given by the slope of the common tangent to the nation’s production frontier and indifference curve at the autarky point of production and consumption.
Equilibrium-relative commodity price with trade: The common relative commodity price in two nations at which trade is balanced. 贸易条件下商品的相对平衡价格:两国在贸易平衡条件下的相对商品价格。 Exchange rate: The domestic currency price of the foreign currency. 汇率:外国货币的国内价格。
Factor abundance: The factor of production available in greater proportion and at a lower relative price in one nation than in another nation.
要素丰裕度:可利用的生产要素,其在很大程度上比另一国有相对低的价格。 Foreign exchange futures:A forward contract for standardized currency amounts and selected calendar dates traded on an organized market.
Foreign exchange options: A contract specifying the right to buy or sell a standard amount of a traded currency at or before a stated date. 外汇期权:详细标明在某一指定日期或之前有权而不是有义务买或卖标准数额的交易货币的合同。
Foreign exchange risk: The risk resulting from changes in exchange
rates over time and faced by anyone who expects to make or to receive a payment in a foreign currency at a future date, also called an open position.
Forward discount: The percentage per year by which the forward rate on the foreign currency is below its spot rate.
Forward premium: The percentage per year by which the forward rate on the foreign currency is above its spot rate.
Forward rate: The exchange rate in foreign exchange transactions involving delivery of the foreign exchange one, three, or six months after the contract is agreed markets.
General equilibrium analysis: The study of the interdependence that exists among all markets in the economy.
General equilibrium model: An economic model that studies the behavior of all producers, and traders simultaneously.
一般均衡模型:一个同时研究所有生产者、消费者和贸易商行为的经济模型。 Heckscher-Ohlin(H-O) theorem:The part of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory that postulates that a nation will export the commodity intensive in its relatively abundant and cheap factor and import the commodity intensive in its relatively scarce and expensive factor. 赫-俄原理:赫-俄理论假定一国将出口本国相对充足且便宜要素密集的产品,进口本国相对缺乏和昂贵要素密集的产品。
Hedging: The avoidance of a foreign exchange risk (or the covering of an open position).
Infant-industry argument: The argument that temporary trade protection is needed to set up an industry and to protect it during its infancy against competition from more established and efficient foreign firms.
Labor-intensive commodity: The commodity with the higher
labor-capital ratio (L/K) at all relative factor prices.
劳动密集型产品:在所有相对要素价格条件下有较高的劳力/资本比率的商品。 Law of comparative advantage: Explains how mutually beneficial trade can take place even when one nation is less efficient than, or has an absolute disadvantage with respect to, another nation in the production of all commodities. The less efficient nation should specialize in and export the commodity in which its absolute disadvantage is smaller (this is the commodity of its comparative advantage), and should import the other commodity.
Law of one price: The proposition that in the absence of transportation costs, tariffs, and other obstructions to the free flow of trade, the price of each homogeneous (identical) traded commodity will be equalized in all markets by commodity arbitrage.
Marginal rate of substitution,MRS: The amount of one commodity that a nation could give up in exchange for one extra unit of a second commodity and still remain on the same indifference curve. It is given by the slope of the community indifference curve at the point of consumption and declines as the nation consumes more of the second commodity.

