本站小编 免费考研网/2015-12-18
Marginal rate of transformation,MRT: The amount of one commodity that a nation must give up to produce each additional unit of another commodity. This is another name for the opportunity cost of a commodity and is given by the slope of the production frontier at the point of production.
Offer curve: A curve that shows how much of its import commodity a nation demands to be willing to supply various amounts of its export commodity, or the willingness of the nation to import and export at various relative commodity prices.
Opportunity cost theory: The theory that the cost of a commodity is the amount of a second commodity that must be given up to release just enough resources to produce one more unit of the first commodity.
Persistent dumping:The continuous tendency of a domestic monopolist to maximize total profits by selling the commodity at a lower price abroad than domestically, also called international price discrimination.
44、Predatory dumping: The temporary sale of commodity at a lower price abroad in order to drive foreign producers out of business, after which prices are raised to take advantage of the newly acquired monopoly power abroad.
Product cycle model: The hypothesis, advanced by Vernon, that new products introduced by industrial nations and produced with skilled labor eventually become standardized and can be produced in other nations with less skilled labor.
产品周期模型:该模型由费农首创,指出新产品首先由发达国家引入,用技能较高的工人生产,最终标准化后可以在其他国家用技能较低的劳动力生产出来。 Production possibility frontier: A curve showing the various alternative combinations of two commodities that a nation can produce by fully utilizing all of its resources with the best technology available to it.
Purchasing-power parity(PPP) theory: The theory that postulates that the change in the exchange rate between two currencies is proportional to the change in the ratio in the two countries’ general price levels.
Quota: A direct quantitative restriction on trade.
Rate of effective protection: The tariff calculated on the domestic value added in the production of a commodity.
Relative purchasing-power parity theory: Postulates that the change in the exchange rate over a period of time should be proportional to the relative change in the price levels in the two nations. This version of the PPP theory has some value.
Small-country case: The situation where trade takes place at the pretrade-relative commodity prices in the large nation so that the small nation receives all of the benefits from trade.
Specific tariff: A tariff expressed as a fixed sum per unit of a traded commodity.
Speculation: The acceptance of a foreign exchange risk, or open position, in the hope of making a profit.
Spot rate:The exchange rate in foreign exchange transactions that calls for the payment and receipt of the foreign exchange within two business days from the date when the transaction is agreed upon. 即期利率:外汇交易中从交易确认的那天起,在两个交易日之间要求收付外汇的汇率。
Terms of trade: The ratio of the index price of a nation’s export to its import commodities.
一、名词解释: 1、国际经济学:以经济学的一般理论为基础,研究国际经济活动和国际经济关系,是一般经济理论在国际经济活动范围中的应用与延伸,是经济学体系的有机组成部分。主要研究对象有国际贸易理论与政策、国际收支理论、汇率理论、要素的国际流动、国际投资理论、开放的宏观经济均衡等。 2、绝对利益:由英国古典经 ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 免费考研网 2015-12-18江西财经大学05考研国际经济学试题
一、名词解释(每题5分,共25分)1、出口补贴 2、掠夺性倾销 3、出口导向型政策 4、关税同盟5、APEC二、问答分析题(每 ...金融硕士经验 网络资源 免费考研网 2009-01-13浙江大学1999年研究生入学考试国际经济学真题
科目代码: 2 2 4 科目名称:国际经济学 注意:答案必须写在答题纸上,否则无效 一、名词解释:(每小题3分,共18分) ...法律硕士资料 网络资源 免费考研网 2009-01-13国际经济学:理论与政策(克鲁格曼 7版课件)
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注:转载自人大经济论坛,不知道哪哥们发的,但还是要感谢他共5个分卷,解压开有两套,一套是中文课件,一套是英文课件 [ 本帖最后由 sudapapa 于 ...金融硕士讨论 sudapapa 免费考研论坛 2008-11-21国际经济学
还可以 大家可以看下 脉络挺清楚 ...金融硕士讨论 catfengxiang 免费考研论坛 2008-07-29浙江大学1999年研究生入学考试国际经济学
科目代码: 2 2 4 科目名称:国际经济学注意:答案必须写在答题纸上,否则无效一、名词解释:(每小题3 ...金融硕士讨论 mr_vitamin 免费考研论坛 2007-09-23