
本站小编 免费考研网/2016-01-09

•    sight
•    sound
•    smell
•    touch
•    taste
When you focus your descriptions on the senses, you provide vivid and specific details that show your readers rather than tell your readers what you are describing.

How should you create a descriptive thesis statement?
An example of a descriptive thesis statement is: My backyard is like a jungle.
This thesis statement does not mean that your backyard is literally a jungle, but that the different aspects of your backyard make it seem like a jungle.

Part I Read the following passage carefully, and then choose the best answer A, B, C or D to each of the questions that follow. Please write your answer on the Answer Sheet. (10分)
The Love of Money is a Root of Evil
1、The thinkers of many cultures and epochs have sought to find the fundamental reasons for social problems, philosophers of the past analyzed numerous contributing factors such as leaders, money, deities and citizens in their societies. A significant number of such thinkers came to the conclusion that an individuals’ passionate attitude towards money was an influential trigger of various social calamities. Desiring to obtain more and more material goods and money causes an individual to become selfish and hard-hearted – this in turn affects the quality of a whole community. An uncontrolled love of money is the reason for many disturbances and wrongs that are enacted.
2、To begin with, the love of money may lead to the decline of moral standard. Apostle Paul, who can be said to be a philosopher, says “…they that desire to be rich, fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful desires, which plunge men into destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evils; which some coveting, have erred from the faith”. Paul emphasizes that the pursuit of money and financial gain causes one to be distanced from one’s morality and virtue. No longer do people seek to build a relationship with their neighbor; instead they seek ways to use them to obtain more wealth and security. At the same time, people who treat others as means of reaching their goals, tend to be treated in the same manner, thus multiplying their own misfortunes.
3、Along with the moral decline, people with a strong lust for money can develop an insensible disposition. In the discipline of psychology, there exists a correlation between happy feelings and money that has already been discovered; however, there is also a link between negative feelings and actions when there is a lack of money (Vohs, Mead & Goode, 2008). Those who have a strong love of money constantly feel the urge to gain more money as if they have a lack of it; consequently, these individuals have a bad disposition and are impatient when confronted with those whom they believe are seeking to prevent them from gaining money.
4、What’s more, because of a fanatic identification with their savings, those with a persistent love of money are hesitant to lose their capital. Such individuals would be hesitant in investing in community projects or remaining loyal to their fellow coworkers, employees, and even neighbors. Today, because of the apparent focus on obtaining more food, entertainment, games and technology, the sense of community is dying. Paul Mattick states in his book Art in It’s Time that, “A steady increase of the love of money present in our capitalistic economy system causes a sense of community to decline as faith is placed in material things for the self rather than concepts for the community” (Mattick, 2003).
5、In an attempt to understand the true nature of different social problems of the past and of today, many thinkers have paid attention to the phenomenon of yearning for money. Because of an individual’s love of money, there is a decline in personal values and morals. Subsequently the constant pursuit of money causes one’s behavior to be inconsistent with the needs of other human beings. Finally, many people with an excessive passion for money tend to identify themselves with their financial well-being, thus being afraid to lose their capital. In their fear, they lose the greatest of all values: a sense of peace.

1. Which of the following best expresses the thesis of this essay?
   A. Thinkers of the past have sought to find the fundamental reasons for social problems.
B. Philosophers of the past tried to analyze the contributing factors for social problems.
C. A lot of thinkers concluded that people’s attitude towards money led to social problems. 
D. An uncontrolled love of money is the reason for many disturbances and wrongs.

2. What pattern of organization is employed by the writer to develop this cause and effect essay?


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