
本站小编 福瑞考研网/2017-04-19

Adenocarcinoma of the lung肺腺癌 (fei xian ai) 肺病 (fei bing)

Hepatocellular carcinoma 肝细胞癌 (gan xi bao ai)  

Sarcoma肉瘤 (rou liu), 恶性毒瘤 (er xing du liu)

A rare form of cancer that arises from connective and supportive tissues, such as that seen in the
bone marrow 骨髓 (gu sui) , muscle, and lymphatics淋巴系统. (lin ba xi tong) Osteosarcoma (malignancy of bone) 骨肉瘤 (gu rou liu), multiple myeloma (malignancy of bone marrow) 骨髓瘤 (gu rou liu) are two examples. The term sarcoma does not always appear in the name as in the second example.

Malignant恶性的 (e xing de) vs. Benign 良性的 (liang xing de)

Literally, the Malignant vs. Benign expression means “evil” versus “good”. Malignant is the term used when a cancer or a medical condition has the potentioal to become life threating or terminal. Benign, on the other hand, means that the disease is not fatal.  Advanced malignancy 减轻的 (jie qin de) is when a cancer is well developed.

Radiosensitive 对放射线敏感的 (fa she min gan)

The cancer degenerates退化 (tui hua) in response to radiation therapy.

Radioresistant 辐射阻抗的 (fa she xian zu kang de)

Cancer is slow to respond or may not respond at all to radiation therapy. 

Metastasis转移 (zhuan yi)

The placement of cancer in other organs or tissues other then the origin 起源(qi yuan) is called metastasis and the traveling of the cancer to other areas of the body to form new tumors is termed Metastasize转移 (zhuan yi). This Invasive入侵的 (ru qin de) quality of a tumor to spread into surrounding organs is a manor differentiation between malignant and benign.

In remission免除 (mian chu)

This is the term that indicates a time period of holding the cancer in check 被阻止 (.bei zu zhi).

Relapse复发 (bu fa)

When a cancer returns, the patient is said to relapse. Unfortunately, many cancers, such as leukemia (Overabundance of white blood cells) 白血病 (Bai xue bing), recur.

Carcinogens良性肿瘤 (liang xing zhong liu)

Carcinogens are cancer-causing agents.  Broad categories include radiation exposure, chemicals, drugs and viruses.  Only certain types of chemicals, drugs and viruses are carcinogens and excessive radiation exposure.  Environmental chemicals found in tobacco smoke and automotive exhaust, toxic emissions from factory smokestacks, and asbestos exposure can be carcinogenic致癌物 (质) 的 (zhi ai wu zhi de). Human Papilloma virus 乳突淋瘤 病毒 (ru tu lin liu bing du) is the major cause of cervical子宫颈的 (zi gong jing de) cancer. 

Fractionation 低剂量分次给药 (di ji liang fen ci gei yao)

Repeated low doses of radiation therapy that allow a higher total dose


A side effect 副作用 (fu zuo yong) of chemotherapy is the reduction of bone marrow 骨髓 (gu ge) blood cell replacement.  Patients may complain of extreme fatigue due to anemia 贫血 (pin xie) and can be at an increased risk for infectious diseases 传染病 (chuan ran bing) due to the reduced number of leucocytes 白血病. (bai xie bing).

Chemotherapeutic agents  化学疗法 (hua xue liao fa)

Chemotherapy 化学疗法 (hua xue liao fa) has the goal of killing or stopping the development of rapidly dividing cells. Examples are Cisplatin, Carboplatin, Bleomycin 博来霉素 (bo lai mei su), 5-fluorouraci 5氟尿嘧啶 (fu niao mi ding), methotrexate甲氨蝶呤 (jia an die ling), Vincristine长春新碱 (chang chun xin jia), Vinblastine 长春碱 (chang chun jian), Taxol and Tamoxifen 三苯氧胺 (san ben yang an). Since the same mechanism that kills a malignant cell or blocks development of a malignant cell can have similar effects on a normal, rapidly dividing cell, any of these agents can have bad side effects.  Some forms of cancer treated with chemotherapy may cause the cancer to “disappear” for a while although not cured and the patient may be symptom free sometimes for months or years. 

Malignant melanoma 恶性黑素瘤 (e xing hei  su liu)

Melanoma 黑素瘤 (hei su liu) 皮膚癌 (pi tu ai), 澳洲皮膚癌 (ao zhou pi tu ai) or "black mole cancer" is the name given to the most dangerous form of skin cancer 皮肤癌 (pi fu ai) it is malignant melanoma  惡性黑素瘤 (e xing hei su liu),. The reason melanoma is so dangerous is that once it grows to a certain thickness, it metastasizes throughout the body. After the melanoma has spread to the internal organs there is little that can be done and death follows shortly after. This type of cancer tends to occur in men and women in the prime of their lives 最初的 (zui chu de), 青春 (qing chun), 精华 (jing hua).

Adjuvant therapy 辅助疗法 (fu zhu liao fa)

After surgical removal of the cancer there are additional treatments, which may include chemotherapy, radiation, or combination of both. 

Cryosurgery 冷冻术 (leng dong shu)

Destroying malignant tissue by freezing it with a cold probe. Often used for soft tissues like the liver.

Fulguration 电灼疗法 (dian zhuo liao fa)

This term means “lightning” in Latin.  Malignant tissue destroyed with an electrocautery 电烙术 (dian lao shu) instrument.

Excisional Biopsy 切除 (qie chu) 活组织检查 (hua zu ji jian cha)

Removal of tumor and a safe margin of normal tissue is how an excisional biopsy is performed.  Can be curative for many cancers if done before metastases 活组织检查 (huo zu ji jian cha), 活组织切片检查 (huo zu ji qie pian jian cha).

En bloc resection 清扫术 (qing shao shu)

Removal of the tumor and a large amount of surrounding tissue including positive lymph nodes淋巴结 (lin ba jie) is called an en bloc resection.

Palliative treatment 缓解治疗 (huan jie zhi liao)

Gives relief of symptoms, but does not cure and is reserved for advanced malignancy

Prognosis (knowing what will come) 预后 (yu hou)

The progress and outcome of the disease is the prognosis.

Good Prognosis

Bad Prognosis

Benign 良性的 (liang xing de)

Malignant恶性的 (e xing de)

Low grade 低分化的 (di fen hua de)   

High grade高分化的 (gao fen hua de)

Radiosensitive                              发射线敏感 (fa she xian min gan)

Radioresistant                              发射线阻抗的 (fa she xian zu kang de)

No metastases 非转移 (fei zhuan yi)

Metastases转移 (zhuan yi)

Well differentiated                           易辨别的 (yi bian bie de)

Poorly differentiated                   不易辨别的 (bu yi bian bie de)

In remission缓解 (huan jie)

Relapse复发 (fu fa)

Surgically respectable                       可外科手术切除的 (ke wai ke shou shu qie chu de)

Inoperable                             不宜手术的 (bu yi shou shu de)





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