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广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度:2018年   考试科目代码及名称:804-英语写作与翻译(自命题)适用专业:050201 英语语言文学[友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!]Part I Writing (100分)(1)Summary Writing. (1题,共40分)Directions: Please read the following passage, and write a summary around 120-150 English words without copying the complete sentences from the text. Not long ago, Itook in one of the conversations you’re not supposed to have. It turned on whether Vladimir Nabokov, author of Lolita, really desired underage girls. The usual arguments came out: Nabokov was a master of personae, and Humbert Humbert a game to him. Kinbote, analogous narrator of Pale Fire, didn’tmake you think Nabokov loved boys. The late novels were Nabokov’s allegories of the seductions of aestheticism, which transfigures the forbidden into the beautiful; or moral paintings of our acceptance of crime, when crime is presented alluringly. So love of the wrong subject becomes a metaphor for art, ethics, personality, and so forth.Iwas reluctant to say that Ifelt these explanations were inadequate and even in bad faith. The trouble with Lolitais plainly its ability to describe what a sexual twelve-year-old looks like. What her dress is like when it brushes her knees, what her toes are like with painted nails, how the color sits on the plump bow of her lips—the phrase for these is that it is “too real”; that’s the scandal. It continues to be the scandal fifty years after publication, and it will be a scandal whenever adult acknowledges the capacity upend his vision and see a child, protected larval stage of the organism, as a sexual object. The girl is still a child, only now she is a sex child. Yet this makes me feel Nabokovwas not a pedophile but something he is not credited with being—a social critic.You, too, see it, or should. The trend of these fifty years has been to make us see sexual youth where it doesn’t exist, and ignore it as it does. Adults project the sex of children in lust, or examine children sexually with magnifying glasses to make sure theydon’t appeal to us. But these lenses became burning glasses. The hips of Betty Grable melted and disappeared. The breasts of Marilyn Monroe ran off and were replaced with silicone. The geography of fashion created new erogenous zones—pelvic midriff, rear cleavage—for dieters starving off their secondary sex characteristics, and for young teens, in the convergence of the exerciser and the pubescent child. The waif and pixie became ideal. Mama and daughter look the same again before the bedroom mirror—not dressed up in Mama’s pearls and heels this time, but in children’s wear. The dream belongs to sixteen, or to those who can starve themselves to sixteen.The critic Philip Fisher used to note that Lolita, tightly plotted as it is, repeats one scene twice. Humbert spies a lit window far opposite. Because he longs to see a nymphet, he sees one. The wave of arousal returns, its tide dampening him up to his knees. As he nears the climax, the form is refocused as an adult woman or man. Disgusting! But this is the simple inversion of a characteristic experience of our time. A man will see a distant form, in low-cut top and low-slung jeans, and think he is on the trail of eroticism; draw near, and identify a child. Revolting! The defenses against it continue the problem. The more a whole nation inspects the sex characteristics of children to make sure it is not becoming aroused by childishness, and slyly hunts around to make sure its most untrustworthy members are not being so aroused, the more it risks creating a sexual fascination with the child. However you gaze, to accept the fantasy or to assure yourself you see nothing, you join in an abomination.(2)Essay Writing (1题,60分)Cyber-violence has become a new form of violence in our real world. The cyber mob will abuse language, pictures and other media to injure one’s reputation or image, even initiate man-hunting. Please write an essay on cyber-violence, with English words around 500 words.Part II Translation(50分)(1)English-Chinese Translation (25分)Iwas introduced to George, a Cotswold mason(石匠). He is in his seventies but still at it. When Imet him he was engaged in the almost lost art of dry-walling, pulling down some ramshackle old walls and converting their materials into smooth solid rampart. He was a little man, with a dusty puckered face and an immenseupper lip so that he looked like a wise old monkey; and he has spent all his long life among stones. There were bits of stone all over him. He handled the stones about him, some of which he showed to us, at once easily and lovingly, as women handle their babies. He was like a being that had been created out of stone, a quarry gnome. He was a pious man, this old George, and when he was not talking about stone walls, he talked in a very quiet evangelical strain about his religious beliefs, which were old and simple. Being a real craftsman, knowing that he could do something better than you or Icould do it, he obviously enjoyed his work, which was not so much toil exchangedfor so many shillings but the full expression of himself, his sign that he was old George the mason and still at it. Bad walls, not of his building, were coming down, and good walls were going up. The stones in them fitted squarely and smoothly and were a delight to the eye and a great contentment to the mind, so weary of shoddy and rubbish. Ihave never in my life done anything so thoroughly and truly as that old mason did his building.(2)Chinese-English Translation (25分)“一年之计在于春”,光读这平仄已让人心觉希望。尽管短暂,初春时节以及春末夏初的过渡是我最爱的季节,空气里那些萌动的未知,如振翅欲飞的鸟类,耳边似乎飒飒有风。我可以在客厅或书房坐上一整天,只为感受空气里阳光的变化。春光过处,都是明媚。我们不免因再遇不到温和的灵魂而感觉孤单焦虑,却并没有意识到那是因为自己正变得坚硬。与其说是找不到一件东西,不如说丢失了什么,丢失了与所寻之物相连的那部分自己。不过也不用去填补生命的这些缝隙,因为我们的醒悟大都也来自那里。我们把遗憾埋入这些缝隙,春天时它们或许转为希望破土而出。
------------------------------------------------END-------------------------------------------------考研高分咨询:胡老师xxx121_wzm 电话 **

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