一、请用英语解释下列名词,并举例说明( 每题8分,共 40分〉
1.second language
2. negative transfer
3. informal L2 learning
4. interpersonal competence
5. feedback
二、请用英语回答下列问题( 每题15分,共60分)
1.What is the relationship between input,inte r .
action and output? Please base your discussion
on an EFL classroom setting.
2. W hat are the key assumptions of task-based language teaching?
3. Please describe or design a classroom activity that is in line with the principles of
communicative language teaching. "
4. How do you understand the differences between the "methods era" and the "post-methods era?"
三、论述题( 请用英语做答〉( 每题25分,共50分〉
1.W hat are some of the sources of learner differences in foreign language learning? Please
Illustrate your points with examples related to your own learning experiences and /or those of
people around you.
2. Second language ~cquisition research seems to take two trends: the cognitive trend focuses
moreon the psychology of SLA,while the sociocultural trend focuses more on the social contexts
'I of SLA. How do you understand the relationship between the two trends?
一.请用英语解释下列名词,并举例说明。 (每题 8 分,共 40 分)
1. Interlanguage
2. Critical Period Hypothesis
3. Language community
4. pragmatic competence
5. Contrastive Analysis
二.请用英语回答下列问题。 (每题 15 分,共 60 分)
1. What are learner difference? Please elaborate on one of them.
2. What are the goals of Cooperative Language Learning?
3. How do you understand the relations between Communicative Language Teaching and Task-Based Language Teaching?
4. What are the features of the post-methods era?
三.论述题。 (请用英语做答) (每题 25 分,共 50 分)
1. In recent years, bilingual education has been a hotly discussed issue in China. What do you think bilingual education is? How is it related to Content-Based Instruction in the Chinese context? 2. In What ways do you think second language acquisition theories can inform classroom language teaching? How can they be applied or why can’t they be applied?
一.定义题。请用英语解释下列词语,并举例说明。 (每题 8 分,共 40 分)
1. sequential multilingualism
2. learner language
3. U-shaped development
4. pragmatic competence
5. Scaffolding
二.简答题。请用英语回答下列问题。 (每题 15 分,共 60 分)
1. What are the key assumptions of the Audiolingual Methods?
2. Describe a typical activity in line with the principles of Communicative Language Teaching?
3. Discuss the assumptions of Total Physical Response.
4. Discuss your understanding of the term “post-methods era”
三.论述题。请用英语做答。 (每题 25 分,共 50 分)
1. Compare L1 and L2 language development in terms of their similarities and differences in the initial intermediate or final states.
2. Analyze the nature of learner errors in language learning with examples.
1. communication strategies
2. Teacher Talk
3. TPR
4. the Affective Filter Hypothesis
5. multiple intelligence
1. Discuss why learners make errors in language learning.
2. Discuss implications of interlanguage study for language teaching and learning.
3. Comment on Content-based Teaching.
4. Distinguish terms of approach, design, and procedure used by Richards and Rodgers.
1. Some say that communicative Language Teaching cannot be used in the Chinese schools. Do you agree with it or not? Explain.
2.Analyze Task-based Language Teaching and its use.
1) Behaviorism
2) Cognitive style
3) Monitor model
4) Sociocultural theory
5) Content-based insruction
1) explain autonomous learning
2) Analyze the concept of teacher roles in second language learning.
3) Discuss the factors influencing classroom English learning.
4) Introduce the concept of learning strategies in second language teaching.
1) what are necessary conditions for second language learning?
Do we have all the necessary conditions? And how can we create
these conditons?
1) How do you define ”success” in second language acquisition?
What’s your criteria of success and why you think so?
1. Input hypothesis
2. Affective filter hypothesis
3. Communicative competence
4. Structural linguist
5. Inductive reasoning
6. Discuss the concept of the Competency-based language teaching
7. Analyze teacher role in the Audiolingual Method
8. Explain the concept of the Monitor Hypothesis
9. Explain the functional view of language .
10. How do you define “task” in task-based language teaching .what are the characteristics of the task?provide the examples to support your idea.
11. Make a list of the characteristics of a successful teacher and what do you train yourself to be a successful teacher ?
本站小编 免费考研网/2020-02-19
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首师学科语文学姐成功上岸!!! 三月份开始复习一直坚持到十二月底,最终初试成绩360+,并通过复试,顺利录取。现在回报论坛,给大家提供一些经验,也出资料,欢迎大家加v咨询。lexilexi1995 专业课一333 三本书,教育基础,教育心理学,教育研究,这三本书要反复的背,而且要背的仔细,这门是比较容易提分的一门,只 ...专业课考研经验 本站小编 免费考研网 2020-02-09天津师范大学英语教育理论908 333学科英语经验贴
1.333 参考书目:教育学原理,中国教育史,外国教育 史,教育心理学 (如果你们是现在开始的话,我强烈建议你们现在 把凯程视频从基础班全刷一遍,因为当你把视频 看了以后你会发现对你后期冲刺的帮助特别大, 如果仅仅依靠死记硬背后期会特别痛苦,不用纠 结是哪一年的视频,因为333没有变化。 辅导书: ru凯程:凯程一 ...专业课考研经验 本站小编 免费考研网 2020-02-09东北师范大学学科英语复习经验(很全)
1.近3年的考情 2017年:372分~408分,预招28人,录取34人 2018年:357分~406分,预招25人,录取25人 2019年:359分~397分,预招34人,录取35人 2.考试科目 101思想政治理论(100分) 204英语二(100分) 333教育综合(150分) 857英语教学专业基础(150分) 3.考试内容 101:毛中特、史纲、思修、马哲、当代 204(题型):完型填 ...专业课考研经验 本站小编 免费考研网 2020-02-09湖南师范大学学科语文333语文教学论951学姐考研经验分享
丑话说在前面:考研超级孤独的,需要自己看书复习,找资料,制定学习计划,每天完成学习任务,每天早起晚睡,背了又记,舍弃娱乐,少社交少分心。 你可以以一个月为周期,完成好一个月的学习之后,休息一天,在这一天可以晚点起床,中午出门吃一顿好吃的,下午把下个月的学习计划制定好,把上个月学习进度做好记录,晚上买 ...专业课考研经验 本站小编 免费考研网 2020-02-09