本站小编 免费考研网/2020-07-18
The Japanese business person tries to create a situation in which all people present feel comfortable. Only in such an atmosphere of harmony are decisions made Consensus decision-making, a process by which action is taken only after everyone is in agreement, is an important part of Japanese business practices. The majority of people in Japan are literate. Because most people are able to read newspapers and magazines, they generally have opinions on most important matters. In addition, they are quite articulate and therefore able to state their ideas clearly to their superiors.
People are more likely to change jobs in the United States than they are in Japan. There are several possible explanations for the greater job stability n Japan in contrast to the great job mobility in the United States. The Japanese are often exasperated by the seriousness with which Americans approach time limits. Similarly, Americans are often impatient with the Japanese seeming lack of concern for deadlines. Because Japanese workers willingly stay after hours to finish work, they are well known for their dedication to their company. In return, some Japanese firms offer their employees company-paid health insurance. Unlike the United states, where many different nationalities make up the population, Japan’s population is quite homogeneous.
Use your own words while answering Marks will be reduced if the same words are copied from the article.
1.According to the article, who are involved in making business decisions in Japan?
2.What does the word Consensus mean by context?
3.How are the Japanese and the Americans different in their altitudes toward deadlines?
4.What is the Japan’s population made up of compared with that of the United States?
Ⅲ.Writing (30%)
In this section, you are supposed to write a passage about 400 words on the following topic.
My View on Internet as a Double-edged Sword.
一、调剂政策符合教育部2020年外国语言文学硕士研究生、非全日制翻译硕士(英语笔译)研究生调剂的相关政策和我校报考条件。二、调剂程序1、在教育部研究生调剂系统开通之前,有调剂愿望的考生请将《山东科技大学外国语学院2020年硕士研究生预调剂申请表》(见附件)电子版发至邮箱(skdwytj@126.co ...考研调剂信息 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-05-10专科考研🔅〰️🔆同等学力考研 翻译硕士 初试篇
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