

     It is different from foreign language learning, which is learning a language in F1 language environment.

     The major difference is the environment.

     Foreign language teaching (FLT) and second language teaching (SLT)

     SLA theory

     Factors affecting SLA

     External factors: social factors

     Social demand

     Language policy

     Internal factors: learner factors

     Motivation

     Instrumental

     Integrative

     Age

     Learning strategy

     Cognitive

     Repetition

     Translation

     Note-taking

     Metacognitive

     Organizing

     Self-monitoring

     Self-evaluation

     Personality

     Attitude

     Analysis of learners’ language

     Why analyze?

     Learners’ language provides data for research into the nature of the learning process. In order to gain insight into the process, researchers have engaged in the analysis of learners’ language.

     How to analyze?

     Contrastive analysis

     Compare the target language with the mother tongue.

     Error analysis

     Identifying errors

     Errors are due to the fault in knowledge of the speaker, while mistakes are because of unsuccessful performance.

     Describing errors

     Omission

    - He came into _ classroom with a book in _ hand.

     Addition/wordy

    - My child goes to his school.

     Selection

    - I hope/wish…

     Disordering

    - I yesterday went to … (I, yesterday, went to …/I went to … yesterday)

     Explaining errors and analyzing reason

     Interlingual factors

    - Mother tongue’s influence

     Intralingual factors

    - Overgeneralization

    - Simplification

    - Cross-association

     Limitation for error analysis

     Fail to see what learners’ language will be like if we focus on the errors.

     Interlanguage

     Approximate language system

     Transitional language

     Language transfer – to borrow language from L1

     Positive transfer: L1 does help

     Negative transfer: L1 misleads

     Learners extend patterns by analogy – overgeneralized mistakes (overextension).

     Communicative strategy

     Explaining SLA

     Nativist theories

     Chomsky: LAD system

     Krashen: monitor theory

     Input hypothesis (i + 1 hypothesis)

     Environmentalist theories

     Cultural awareness

     Theoretical perspective (language outlook)

     Confidence and competence

     Functionalist theories

     Language use

     Communicative strategies (CS)

    Chapter 10 Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching (FLT)

     FLT as a system


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