
本站小编 免费考研网/2016-08-13

      Unlike Broca's aphasics, Wernicke's aphasics are generally unaware of their deficit. Patients cannot express themselves because they cannot understand what they have just said and use that understanding in the planning of what to say next. Wernicke's aphasics also show reading and writing deficits comparable to their deficits in speaking and listening, The written production of Wernicke's aphasics is formally very good with correct spelling and handwriting, but like their speaking, makes little sense. Reading comprehension is also severely impaired in Wernicke's aphasia. Patients can see the letters and words, but cannot make any sense of them.
There are two types of acquired dyslexia: phonological dyslexia and surface dyslexia. Phonological dyslexia is a type of acquired dyslexia in which the patient seems to have lost the ability to use spelling-to-sound rules. Patients suffering from phonological dyslexia can only read words that they have seen before. When asked to read an unknown word, they will either say nothing or produce a known word which is similar to the word they are asked to read. Surface dyslexia is the opposite of phonological dyslexia. Patients suffering from surface dyslexia seem unable to recognize words as wholes but must process all words through a set of spelling-to-sound rules. They do not have any problem in reading the regularly spelled words such as hat. If asked to read irregularly spelled words, they will apply regular rules and produce the incorrect form and assign it a meaning that is appropriate to their incorrect pronunciation.
5. What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of the techniques used to investigate the brain in terms of ethics, cost, intrusiveness and type of information yielded.
答:  In SAT the patient is asked to count out aloud while sodium amytal is injected into an artery carrying bleed to one side of the brain. If this is the hemisphere used in speech, the patient loses all tracks of his counting and experiences severe language difficulties for several minutes. If it is not, the patient can resume normal counting almost immediately after the injection. Though effective, the test is of risk.
      CT scanning uses a narrow beam of X-ray to create brain images that take the form of series of brain slices. That makes it possible for the researchers to look inside a living brain. It is very useful in identifying brain lesions and tumours, though the image that CT scanning provides is static.
      PET, however, makes it possible to study the brain in action. It has been found that when subjects speak, much blood flows to the left hemisphere of the cortex and to Broca’s area in particular. When subjects read, much blood flows to the occipital lobe, to the angular gyrus, and to other areas of the left hemisphere is primarily responsible for language and that there are specific language areas within the left hemisphere.
      And the traditional way through autopsy studies generally will cause ethic problem, and the information obtained through this way is of little use in treating the patient since an autopsy can only be carried out after a patient's death.
6. What is psycholinguistics and what does it study?

7. What does each of the following slips of the tongue reveal about the process of language production?
a. “You’ve tasted two worms.”
b. “It crawls through the fax.”
c. “You hissed my mystery lecture.”
d.  to gap the bridge
e.  cuss and kiddle

8. What experiments would you devise to address the following questions?
  a) Are frequently used words easier to process than less frequently used ones?
  b) Are simple sentences easier to understand than complex ones?
  c) Are semantically related words stored in the same place in our brain?
    b) Eye movement experiments.
9. Read the following garden path sentences twice at a day’s interval and see whether the interpretation of the second reading is the same as that of the first one.
a) Fat people eat accumulates.
b) The dog that I had really loved .bones.
c) The old man the boat.
d) We painted the wall with cracks.

10. Do morphological structures play a substantial role in word recognition?

11. Describe Levelt's speech production model in your own words.



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